Crop Insurance

Great American PluS (GAP) SM

Great American Plus allows additional yield and revenue protection by providing optional banded coverage intervals beyond MPCI policy limits.

  • Simple yield and revenue coverage options up to 95%
  • Available for purchase on enterprise unit basis
  • Upward moving price does not decrease yield trigger
  • No cap on downward price movement
  • MPCI level does not determine GAP coverage availability

The GAP Yield Plus Option provides coverage to pay an indemnity whenever the GAP Production to Count is less than the Trigger Yield established by the policy.

The GAP Revenue Plus Option provides coverage to pay an indemnity whenever GAP Revenue to Count is less than the Trigger Revenue establishes by the policy.

Yield or Revenue Plus Options:

80% to 90%

80% to 95%

85% to 95%


RPowerD™ allows greater flexibility in marketing crops by providing protection from fluctuating prices. By providing optional price discovery methods, RPowerD enables producers to potentially receive additional policy benefits. Optional price discovery methods include:

  • 70% - 95% revenue coverage
  • Locked in current market price
  • Option to elect one or more price discovery periods
  • Guarantee a premium to the projected price
  • Choose to insure only a portion of your liability
  • Flexible coverage by practice


Price Flex supplements an existing MPCI policy and allows greater flexibility in marketing crops by providing added protection from fluctuating prices. The product provides the farmer with additional discovery period options not available under existing MPCI coverage. Price Flex is currently offered on corn, cotton, soybeans and spring wheat.

For more information, or to quote RPowerD, Price Flex, or GAP, click the link below:

Agent EVantage


Green Snap or Wind provides coverage against loss as defined in the policy. Coverage is available on grain corn, seed corn and sweet corn wherever this product is offered. An optional Extra Harvest Expense is available as an add-on feature or can be purchased alone.

Small Grain Wind provides coverage to include direct loss caused by wind damage, but only if such wind damage is accompanied by hail that destroys 5% or more of the insured crop during the same occurrence. Crops covered include Barley, Oats, Rye and Wheat.

Tobacco Wind provides coverage for direct loss due to wind. Under this endorsement, the insured must also purchase underlying hail coverage on the same crops.


The Replant Coverage Endorsement provides replant coverage that is in addition to the replant coverage provided on an underlying MPCI policy. In the event of a loss, this endorsement will pay the difference between the insured’s cost to replant and any benefit paid under the MPCI policy. Coverage is available on corn and soybeans in all states where this product is offered. This coverage is also provided for cotton and sugar beets in some states.

Winter Wheat Replant provides coverage for “winterkill” and “snow mold” for winter wheat that has been planted in the current year and is to be harvested the following year. The insured must also apply for hail coverage on these same crops as stipulated in the policy.



Coverage against unavoidable loss of crop(s) caused by fire and lightning:

  • Before or during harvest
  • While the crop is within the timeframe to be harvested as grain
  • While the crop is in the harvester’s vehicle or in another vehicle owned by you and in your care, custody and control
  • While the crop is being transported to the first place of storage, not to exceed 50 miles

Eligible crops vary by state, but generally include wheat, corn, and soybeans. Some states expand coverage to oats, barley and seeds. 


Hay Fire & Theft insures stacked hay that is stored at locations described in the application and diagram provided by the grower. Coverage begins upon acceptance of the application and is available in terms ranging from 30 days to one year. Rates are available to insure against the perils of fire only or fire and theft.


Citrus Freeze offers protection for the grower that covers citrus fruit damage caused by freeze and/or frost.

Citrus Business Interruption offers protection for the citrus packer against unavoidable loss due to freeze to the citrus fruit supplied to them for packaging.

Grape Cluster Freeze protects against frost or freeze that results in direct physical damage or death to the inflorescence or formed berry clusters.

This product is available in California only.


ELS Cotton provides coverage for a reduction in grade due to rainfall which results in a color grade of 3 or higher.

Tomato Rain provides coverage on canning and processing tomatoes against excess rainfall resulting in:

  • Prevention of harvest due to the inability to use normal harvesting equipment during the harvest period; or
  • Rejection of harvested tomatoes for not meeting the minimum standards for mold or rot

Raisin Reconditioning provides coverage for reconditioning expenses incurred by the insured in the event a measurable rainfall occurs while raisins are on trays or in rolls at the insured location and the raisins fail a USDA inspection. We also provide coverage for “Extra Field Expenses” as described in the policy.


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