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DTN Closing Livestock Comment 01/11 16:20

11 Jan 2016
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 01/11 16:20 Cattle Futures Launch Week With Mostly Moderate Losses For the most part, the cattle complex settled moderately lower, checked by long liquidation and ongoing nervousness regarding outside markets. On the other hand, lean hog futures closed generally higher, supported by light short-covering and expectations of improving fundamentals through the first quarter. By John Harrington DTN Livestock Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: Though the cash cattle trade was typically quiet for a Monday, country sources did report a degree of light packer inquiry in parts of Kansas and Texas. Furthermore, these preliminary bids seemed close to steady with last week's market (i.e., $132-$133). The distribution of new showlists generally indicated a larger fed offering with only Texas showing fewer ready steers and heifers. According to the closing report, the Iowa hog base is NA compared with the Prior Day settlement (NA, weighted average NA). The corn trade finished generally a nickel lower, curbed by positioning ahead of new s&d data due out Tuesday. U.S stocks closed mixed, stabilizing after their worst week since 2011, as declines in oil prices weighed. The Dow closed 52 points lower with the Nasdaq up 5.