News & Resources

USDA Weekly Crop Progress

1 Aug 2016

By Cheri Zagurski
DTN Managing Editor

OMAHA (DTN) -- Soybean condition ratings improved slightly while corn held steady during the week ended July 31, according to USDA's latest Crop Progress report released Monday.

The nation's corn crop is 91% silked and 30% in the dough stage, compared to 79% and 13% last week, 87% and 25% last year and five-year averages of 85% and 25%. Corn condition was unchanged from a week ago at 76% good to excellent.

"USDA said that 76% of the corn crop was rated good to excellent, resulting in a 1-point drop in DTN's Corn Condition Index to 183," said DTN Analyst Todd Hultman. "DTN's index was up from 168 a year ago and is well above the five-year average of 131. Monday's report is bearish for corn."

Soybeans are 85% blooming and 54% setting pods, compared to 76% and 35% last week, 78% and 48% last year and five-year averages of 79% and 44%. Seventy-two percent of the nation's beans are rated good to excellent, up one percentage point from last week's 71%.

"USDA said that 72% of soybeans were rated good-to-excellent, resulting in a 2-point increase in the DTN Soybean Condition Index to 172," Hultman said. "DTN's index is up from 151 a year ago and is well above the five-year average of 134. Monday's report is bearish for soybeans."

Winter wheat was 89% harvested as of Sunday, compared to 83% last week, 91% last year and an 86% average. "Monday's report is neutral for winter wheat," Hultman said.

Spring wheat harvest was reported for the first time this growing season at 10% complete. Last year at this time 6% of the harvest was complete and the average is 9%. Spring wheat condition was rated as 68% good to excellent, even with last week.

"USDA said that 68% of spring wheat was rated good-to-excellent, keeping the DTN Spring Wheat Condition Index unchanged at 160," Hultman said. "DTN's index is down from 169 a year ago and is below the five-year average of 165. Monday's report is neutral for spring wheat."

Cotton squaring was at 92%, compared to 85% last week, 90% last year and a 91% average. Setting bolls was reported at 54%, compared to 46% last week, 53% last year and a 57% average. Cotton condition worsened to 15% poor to very poor, compared to 13% last week.

Rice was 71% headed, compared to 57% last week, 60% last year and a 54% average. Rice condition worsened slightly to 66% good to excellent, compared to 67% last week.

Sorghum was 61% headed, compared to 49% last week, 54% last year and 50% on average. Coloring was reported at 26%, compared to 23% last week, 27% last year and a 29% average. Sorghum condition improved to 66% good to excellent compared to 65% last week.

Oats were 53% harvested as of Sunday, compared to 37% last week, 38% last year and a 42% average. Oats condition remained steady at 64% good to excellent.

Barley harvest was reported at 11% complete, compared to 14% last year and an 8% average. Barley condition was slightly worse at 72% good to excellent compared to 73% last week.

National Crop Progress Summary
This Last Last 5-Yr
Week Week Year Avg
Corn Silking 91 79 87 85
Corn Dough 30 13 25 25
Soybeans Blooming 85 76 78 79
Soybeans Setting Pods 54 35 48 44
Winter Wheat Harvested 89 83 91 86
Spring Wheat Harvested 10 NA 6 9
Cotton Squaring 92 85 90 91
Cotton Setting Bolls 54 46 53 57
Sorghum Headed 61 49 54 50
Sorghum Coloring 26 23 27 29
Oats Harvested 53 37 38 42
Barley Harvested 11 NA 14 8
Rice Headed 71 57 60 54
National Crop Condition Summary
(VP=Very Poor; P=Poor; F=Fair; G=Good; E=Excellent)
This Week Last Week Last Year
Corn 1 5 18 56 20 1 4 19 57 19 2 7 21 52 18
Soybeans 2 5 21 56 16 2 5 22 56 15 3 8 26 50 13
Spring Wheat 2 6 24 58 10 2 6 24 58 10 1 6 23 56 14
Sorghum 1 5 28 55 11 1 5 29 54 11 3 4 25 59 9
Oats 3 7 26 53 11 3 7 26 53 11 4 7 21 55 13
Barley 1 3 24 58 14 1 3 23 58 15 1 6 25 51 17
Cotton 3 12 35 42 8 3 10 35 43 9 1 9 33 46 11
Rice 2 6 26 51 15 2 5 26 51 16 2 3 25 50 20

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