News & Resources

DTN Election Coverage

7 Nov 2016

By Greg D. Horstmeier
DTN Editor-in-Chief

OMAHA (DTN) -- For the past many election cycles, DTN/The Progressive Farmer has put high priority on covering the run-up to and the results of major voting events. The national election of Nov. 8 will be no exception.

At no time in history, however, will the election be so watched, and certainly our coverage on various DTN/PF online, satellite and mobile platforms will be more involved than ever.

Most of our coverage will key up on the issue that we always focus on at DNT/PF: What is happening to the markets. It's been said this election has the potential to affect markets like few others in recent history.

To keep up on what this all means to agriculture and markets, you'll find general and specific coverage in a number of places through Wednesday, Nov. 9. As always, we'll be posting key staff-written and wire coverage in our Top Stories, Ag News, World News and other news areas.

Live coverage of what's affecting the markets will begin Tuesday evening at around 5 p.m. Central Standard Time in the Market Matters blog. There, as we did during the Brexit vote in June, analysts Darin Newsom and Todd Hultman will be reporting and analyzing actions in markets around the globe, aided by the rest of the DTN/PF analyst team and newsroom reporters and editors.

Please note that during Tuesday evening, we'll be suspending the ability to post comments in Market Matters blog by others. That will give readers an uninterrupted "stream" of market commentary from the analysts. Comments by others will be deleted as the evening goes on to create that stream. We'll "re-open" the Market Matters blog commentary area Wednesday mid-morning.

DTN Ag Policy Editor Chris Clayton will follow the election through the night and will have the ag-focused wrap-up on it soon after the election is called. There may also be, if appropriate, commentary in the Ag Policy blog during and after the election. We'll also continue to carry pieces from our other policy writers and from the news wires as they come in.

We also expect there will be commentary in our various blog areas, and we welcome that commentary there as well as emails to any of our writers. You'll find individual email information near an article written by that person. You can also comment in appropriate blogs and social media sites. But, as always, we do ask that you keep commentary specific to the issue. Also, keep your remarks free from profanity, personal attacks or spam or we will remove them.

Open and free elections are critical to a democracy. Please do exercise your American right to vote for the candidates and issues as you see fit.

Greg D. Horstmeier can be reached at

Follow Greg D. Horstmeier on Twitter @greghorstmeier

