News & Resources

Machinery Survey in Full Swing

27 Mar 2020
By Dan Miller
Progressive Farmer Senior Editor

The line-up of equipment that farmers and ranchers use is a big investment and drives productivity and efficiency on their operations. Objective research on user satisfaction of farm equipment, however, is limited.

To fill the information void, Progressive Farmer has launched a national machinery survey series. The Progressive Farmer Reader Insights survey has been professionally designed to measure growers' overall experience with their equipment lines. The first category to be surveyed is tractors. Other machinery categories will be announced in coming weeks.

This study is conducted in partnership with SOCAL Approach Marketing and Consulting Group, a respected expert in the marketing research industry. Printed surveys have been mailed to a diverse sample of farmers and ranchers. There is also an option for them to complete the questionnaire online.

"We believe farmers will find this first survey about tractors interesting for sure, but also highly engaging -- and as the results are made known, exceptionally informative," said Gregg Hillyer, editor in chief of Progressive Farmer. Responses to the survey have been coming in steadily. Many farmers are choosing to take the survey online.

All comments will remain anonymous. Results from the Reader Insights tractor survey be published in the June 2020 issue of Progressive Farmer.

"We plan to take the lessons learned from this first survey and use them to develop additional surveys on growers' experience and satisfaction with various types of equipment," Hillyer said. He encourages farmers who received the survey to return those ahead of the busy spring fieldwork season.

Farmers and ranchers who complete the survey before April 10, 2020, are eligible to be entered into a drawing for one of five $100 VISA Gift Cards. All participating farmers will receive an email summary of the Progressive Farmer Reader Insights survey findings once the results have been published.

Dan Miller can be reached at