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USDA Cattle on Feed Report Preview

21 Nov 2024

OMAHA (DTN) -- USDA's Nov. 1 Cattle on Feed report will be worth spending time analyzing. The report is scheduled to be released at 2 p.m. CST on Friday.

For starters, if the on-feed numbers total year-ago levels, then there will be roughly 11.9 million head on feed. But if the analysts that believe on-feed numbers could be closer to 101.3% of a year ago are correct, that could push total numbers above 12 million head. That has only happened 14 times since 2019 and is somewhat of a baffling market reality when you consider that the industry sits with record-low cow herd numbers. It's likely that this would be an upper-tier threshold for the industry and that we'll likely see on-feed totals begin to dwindle moving forward.

Secondly, it's going to be very important to note where placements sit, as that will affect showlists later next spring. I personally tend to believe that placements will be on the lower end of analysts' range of estimates simply because cattle were marketed aggressively earlier this year.


USDA Actual Average Estimate Range
On Feed Nov. 1 100.0% 99.5-101.3%
Placed in October 104.2% 101.8-107.0%
Marketed in October 105.1% 104.7-105.7%

ShayLe Stewart can be reached at
