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Top 5 Things to Watch

8 Dec 2024

OMAHA (DTN) -- Here are the Top 5 things the DTN Newsroom is tracking for the week of Dec. 8. Watch for coverage of these and other topics through the week on our subscription platforms as well as on

Note that all report release times are Central Standard Time unless otherwise noted.

1. WASDE Tuesday: The latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report hits Tuesday. As always, those reports are released at 11 a.m.; we'll have initial numbers minutes afterward followed by updates throughout the morning. Don't forget to refresh your browsers to ensure you're getting all the updates. We'll also have our monthly WASDE Webinar, featuring the thoughts of new DTN Lead Analyst Rhett Montgomery, at 12:30 p.m. To register for that, go here:…

To see Montgomery's preview on the numbers, go here:…

2. U.S. weather roller coaster: Last week's clipper system moved from Ontario down into the U.S. bringing a short burst of cold air, followed by rising temperatures during the weekend with scattered showers and strong winds that are bringing through another burst of colder air for the end of the week. Temperatures will rise this weekend and though a system will go through Sunday through Tuesday with scattered showers, the drop in temperatures will not be as severe as we have seen lately and temperatures will rise again later next week. The rain and potential snow from the system could be heavy over some of the drought areas. Temperatures in the Northern Plains will fall again with a clipper bringing a strong cold front through Wednesday. The showers that move through due to the shift from warm to cold will not be heavy enough to significantly improve drought conditions in the region. In the Mississippi watershed, the clipper cold could bring precipitation, but not heavy enough to change low river levels.

3. South America crop conditions strengthen. Scattered showers in Brazil became more isolated in the northeast during the weekend. Another front will move through southern areas with heavier rainfall which should boost showers in central Brazil this week. Overall, conditions are still largely favorable for developing corn and soybeans across most of the country. See the latest South American weather blog at….

4. Winter forage conditions: While the weekly USDA Crop Progress and Hay and Forage reports have gone into winter hibernation, we're continuing to track soil moisture and grazing conditions, which are going to be critical to future cattle herd buildups. For the latest look at conditions, and how ranchers are working through dryness, see DTN Senior Livestock Editor Jennifer Carrico's reporting here:….

5. Economic reports to watch: Monday reports start at 9 a.m. with Wholesale Inventories, at 10 a.m. is latest Grain Inspections. At 2 p.m. we'll see Agricultural Trade Data. Tuesday we'll start with 7:30 a.m. Quarter 3 U.S. Productivity. At 8 a.m. there's the ERS American Farms and Ranches 2024 report. At 11 a.m., as noted above, we'll have the USDA Crop Production and December WASDE and Cotton Ginnings reports. At 11:15 a.m. World Grain and Oilseeds Markets Trade reports are out. Wednesday also starts at 7:30 a.m. with the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI), and Core CPI numbers. At 1 p.m. the Federal Budget report hits, and at 2 p.m. we'll see Broiler Hatchery figures. Thursday the Grain Export Sales report is out at 7:30 a.m., as well as Initial Jobless Claims, Producer Price Index (PPI). At 10:30 a.m. there's the Weekly Economic Index report. Friday starts with 7:30 a.m. release of Imports and Exports and the Import Price Index reports. At 2 p.m. we'll see Turkey Hatchery figures, then at 2:30 p.m. we'll watch the weekly CFTC Commitment of Traders report.

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