USDA Daily Market Rates 02/12
12 Feb 2025
USDA Daily Market Rates 02/12 DAILY MARKET RATES(GRAIN/MISCELLANEOUS COMMODITIES) Effective: February 12, 2025 The following Market Rates are established to aid in the development of the Posted County Prices (PCPs) which are used by county Farm Services Agency (FSA) Offices for loan redemption purposes. Uses of these rates for other purposes may not be appropriate. Questions concerning the grain, pulses and oilseed market values should be directed to: Agricultural Marketing Service/Warehouse & Commodity Management Division/Commodity Management Branch at: (816) 926-3816 THE FOLLOWING MARKET RATES ARE EFFECTIVE 7:00 A.M. (E.T.) 02/12/2025 COMMODITIES Wheat (BU) Wheat (BU) Wheat (BU) Wheat (BU) MARKET HRW HRS SRW SWW AMA 5.03 */(17) CIN 4.87 */(37) EVN 5.83 */(38) GLF 7.08 */(18) */(19) 6.62 */(39) */(20) */(21) */(22) KCM 6.95 */(23) 5.57 */(40) MEM 5.82 */(41) MIN 6.73 */(24) */(25) 5.73 */(15) PNW 7.18 */(26) 7.99 */(16) 6.55 */(43) */(44) TOL 5.47 */(42) 5.47 */(45) WCD 7.18 */(27) */(28) 6.55 */(46) THE FOLLOWING MARKET RATES ARE EFFECTIVE 7:00 A.M. (E.T.) 02/12/2025 COMMODITIES Wheat (BU) Corn (BU) Barley (BU) MARKET HAD YC BRL AMA 5.69 */(47) CIN 4.85 */(48) GLF 5.52 */(49) */(50) 4.32 */(1) */(51) */(52) KCM 4.99 */(53) 4.07 */(2) LOS 9.75 */(11) */A MEM 5.12 */(54) MIN 8.65 */(12) */B 4.50 */(55) 3.55 */(3) */(4) */(5) PNW 9.45 */(13) */C 5.99 */(56) */(57) 4.59 */(6) */(7) TKO 4.82 */(58) */(59) */(60) TOL 4.74 */(61) WCD 9.80 */(14) */D 5.99 */(62) 4.99 */(8) */(9) */(10) DURUM DISCOUNTS */A LOS DISCOUNT ($-0.75) FOR AMBER DURUM AND ($-1.00) FOR DURUM */B MIN DISCOUNT ($-1.00) FOR AMBER DURUM AND ($-1.40) FOR DURUM */C PNW DISCOUNT ($-1.10) FOR AMBER DURUM AND ($-1.50) FOR DURUM */D WCD DISCOUNT ($-0.75) FOR AMBER DURUM AND ($-1.00) FOR DURUM THE FOLLOWING MARKET RATES ARE EFFECTIVE 7:00 A.M. (E.T.) 02/12/2025 COMMODITIES Oats (BU) Soybeans (BU) Grain Sorghum (CWT) MARKET OAT YSB SOR CIN 10.37 */(63) 9.52 */(31) GLF 11.09 */(64) */(65) 10.36 */(32) */(66) */(67) */(68) */(69) */(70) KCM 10.24 */(71) MEM 10.70 */(72) 10.48 */(33) MIN 3.99 */(29) 9.94 */(73) */(74) NCD 7.75 */(34) PNW 5.32 */(30) 11.61 */(75) SCD 8.20 */(35) TKO 10.29 */(76) */(77) TOL 10.29 */(78) WCD 11.36 */(36) COMMODITIES BRL - Barley HAD - Durum HRS - Hard Red Spring HRW - Hard Red Winter OAT - Oats SOR - Sorghum SRW - Soft Red Winter SWW - Soft White Wheat YC - Yellow Corn YSB - Yellow Soybeans MARKET REGIONS GLF - Gulf Marketing Area KCM - Kansas City Marketing Area MIN - Minnesota Marketing Area PNW - Pacific Northwest WCD - West Coast Domestic LOS - Los Angeles, CA AMA - Amarillo, TX CIN - Cincinnati, OH MEM - Memphis, TN NCD - North Central Domestic SCD - South Central Domestic EVN - Evansville, IN TOL - Toledo, OH TKO - Decatur, IL ****NOTE CHANGES TO DIFFERENTIAL INFORMATION EFFECTIVE 02/12/2025 ***** POSTED COUNTY PRICE DIFFERENTIAL INFORMATION (Cents per bushel except as noted) UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE TERMINAL MARKETS LISTED BELOW WILL HAVE DIFFERENTIALS ADJUSTED AS FOLLOWS: (1) GLF BRL differentials add -0.31 cents/bu (Effective 12/23/2024) (2) KCM BRL differentials add -0.41 cents/bu (Effective 12/23/2024) (3) MIN BRL differentials in MT add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 6/25/2020) (4) MIN BRL differentials in WY add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 6/30/2023) (5) MIN BRL differentials add 0.10 cents/bu (Effective 1/10/2025) (6) PNW BRL differentials in MT add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 7/5/2023) (7) PNW BRL differentials add -0.51 cents/bu (Effective 12/23/2024) (8) WCD BRL differentials in ID add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 6/30/2023) (9) WCD BRL differentials in MT add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 6/30/2023) (10) WCD BRL differentials add -0.35 cents/bu (Effective 1/13/2025) (11) LOS HAD differentials add -0.10 cents/bu (Effective 7/8/2024) (12) MIN HAD differentials add 0.17 cents/bu (Effective 1/21/2025) (13) PNW HAD differentials add -0.10 cents/bu (Effective 7/8/2024) (14) WCD HAD differentials add -0.30 cents/bu (Effective 7/8/2024) (15) MIN HRS differentials add 0.14 cents/bu (Effective 2/10/2025) (16) PNW HRS differentials add -1.83 cents/bu (Effective 2/7/2025) (17) AMA HRW differentials add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 4/23/2024) (18) GLF HRW differentials in OK add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 7/17/2018) (19) GLF HRW differentials in KS add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 8/21/2023) (20) GLF HRW differentials in CO add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 9/19/2023) (21) GLF HRW differentials in NE add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 10/17/2023) (22) GLF HRW differentials add -1.05 cents/bu (Effective 2/11/2025) (23) KCM HRW differentials add -1.27 cents/bu (Effective 2/12/2025) (24) MIN HRW differentials in SD add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 10/11/2023) (25) MIN HRW differentials add -0.99 cents/bu (Effective 2/12/2025) (26) PNW HRW differentials add -1.19 cents/bu (Effective 2/12/2025) (27) WCD HRW differentials in CA add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 6/25/2020) (28) WCD HRW differentials add -1.44 cents/bu (Effective 2/12/2025) (29) MIN OAT differentials add -0.83 cents/bu (Effective 2/10/2025) (30) PNW OAT differentials add -2.08 cents/bu (Effective 2/12/2025) (31) CIN SOR differentials add -1.54 cents/cwt (Effective 2/11/2025) (32) GLF SOR differentials add -1.92 cents/cwt (Effective 2/11/2025) (33) MEM SOR differentials add -2.34 cents/cwt (Effective 2/4/2025) (34) NCD SOR differentials add 0.00 cents/cwt (Effective 2/11/2025) (35) SCD SOR differentials add 0.00 cents/cwt (Effective 8/13/2024) (36) WCD SOR differentials add -2.22 cents/cwt (Effective 2/10/2025) (37) CIN SRW differentials add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 10/3/2024) (38) EVN SRW differentials add -0.23 cents/bu (Effective 2/4/2025) (39) GLF SRW differentials add -0.79 cents/bu (Effective 2/4/2025) (40) KCM SRW differentials add 0.06 cents/bu (Effective 2/5/2025) (41) MEM SRW differentials add -0.16 cents/bu (Effective 2/4/2025) (42) TOL SRW differentials add 0.02 cents/bu (Effective 1/13/2025) (43) PNW SWW differentials in ID add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 6/2/2017) (44) PNW SWW differentials add -0.48 cents/bu (Effective 2/12/2024) (45) TOL SWW differentials add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 2/12/2024) (46) WCD SWW differentials add -0.48 cents/bu (Effective 2/12/2024) (47) AMA YC differentials add -0.69 cents/bu (Effective 2/4/2025) (48) CIN YC differentials add -0.17 cents/bu (Effective 2/11/2025) (49) GLF YC differentials in MN add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 7/19/2024) (50) GLF YC differentials in MO add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 8/7/2024) (51) GLF YC differentials in IA add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 11/5/2024) (52) GLF YC differentials add -0.51 cents/bu (Effective 2/5/2025) (53) KCM YC differentials add -0.27 cents/bu (Effective 2/5/2025) (54) MEM YC differentials add -0.29 cents/bu (Effective 2/6/2025) (55) MIN YC differentials add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 12/10/2024) (56) PNW YC differentials in ND add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 6/25/2020) (57) PNW YC differentials add -0.75 cents/bu (Effective 2/12/2025) (58) TKO YC differentials in WI add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 10/17/2024) (59) TKO YC differentials in IL add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 11/5/2024) (60) TKO YC differentials add -0.06 cents/bu (Effective 2/5/2025) (61) TOL YC differentials add -0.08 cents/bu (Effective 2/4/2025) (62) WCD YC differentials add -0.50 cents/bu (Effective 2/12/2025) (63) CIN YSB differentials add -0.16 cents/bu (Effective 2/7/2025) (64) GLF YSB differentials in MS add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 6/29/2023) (65) GLF YSB differentials in LA add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 6/29/2023) (66) GLF YSB differentials in MO add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 7/12/2024) (67) GLF YSB differentials in IA add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 7/19/2024) (68) GLF YSB differentials in AL add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 7/29/2024) (69) GLF YSB differentials in MN add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 8/16/2024) (70) GLF YSB differentials add -0.55 cents/bu (Effective 2/10/2025) (71) KCM YSB differentials add -0.09 cents/bu (Effective 1/30/2025) (72) MEM YSB differentials add -0.37 cents/bu (Effective 1/30/2025) (73) MIN YSB differentials in WI add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 8/19/2024) (74) MIN YSB differentials add 0.10 cents/bu (Effective 2/10/2025) (75) PNW YSB differentials add -0.92 cents/bu (Effective 2/11/2025) (76) TKO YSB differentials in IL add 0.00 cents/bu (Effective 7/24/2024) (77) TKO YSB differentials add -0.08 cents/bu (Effective 2/4/2025) (78) TOL YSB differentials add -0.18 cents/bu (Effective 2/4/2025) MINOR OILSEEDS THE FOLLOWING MARKET RATES ARE EFFECTIVE 7:00 A.M. (ET) 02/12/2025 ALL PRICES PER CWT. MARKET CAN CRA RAP FLX MUS SAF SEM SUN ARL 18.54 AUG 18.54 CAR 19.20 COL 50.00 COR 50.00 FAR 26.79 24.25 GFK 30.00 GRF 18.00 23.66 30.00 LAM 24.50 PAR 20.00 RDW 19.74 27.23 RIC 50.00 VEL 19.89 COMMODITIES: MARKETS: CAN - CANOLA ARL - ARLINGTON, GA CRA - CRAMBE AUG - AUGUSTA, GA RAP - RAPESEED CAR - CARRINGTON, ND FLX - FLAX COL - COLUSA, CA SEM - SESAME SEED COR - CORCORAN, CA SUN - SUNFLOWER SEEDS (OIL TYPE) FAR - FARGO, ND SAF - SAFFLOWER GFK - GRAND FORKS, ND MUS - MUSTARD (INCLUDES): GRF - GREAT FALLS, MT YMU - YELLOW LAM - LAMAR, CO BMU - BROWN PAR - PARIS, TX CMU - ORIENTAL RDW - RED WING, MN XMU - MIXED RIC - RICHMOND, CA VEL - VELVA, ND PULSES THE FOLLOWING MARKET RATES ARE EFFECTIVE 7:00 A.M. (ET) 02/12/2025. ALL PRICES PER CWT. MARKET CHL CHK LEN PEA USP 31.58 21.58 33.93 15.42 COMMODITIES: MARKETS: CHL - LARGE CHICKPEAS CHK - SMALL CHICKPEAS USP - United States Pulses LEN - LENTILS PEA - PEAS* YPE - YELLOW GPE - GREEN * ALSO INCLUDES, WRINKLED, DRY, WINTER DRY (AUSTRIAN WINTER), MISCELLANEOUS (MARROWFAT - TYPE PEAS), MIXED. COTTON PRICES UPLAND COTTON ADJUSTED WORLD PRICE (AWP), FINE COUNT ADJUSTMENT (FCA), COARSE COUNT ADJUSTMENT (CCA), and MARKETING LOAN GAIN/LOAN DEFICIENCY PAY RATE (LDP) effective 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time, Friday, 02/07/25, through midnight Eastern Time, Thursday, 02/13/25: AWP = 53.18 cents per pound FCA 2023 crop = 0.16 cents per pound FCA 2024 crop = 0.00 cents per pound CCA = 0.00 cents per pound LDP Rate = 0.00 cents per pound, subject to allowable fine count or coarse count adjustment. The next scheduled AWP, FCA, CCA, and LDP announcement will be at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Thursday 02/13/25. The following world prices of rice are effective from 02/12/25 at 7:00 am eastern time until the next announcement occurs. The next price announcement is scheduled for 02/19/25 at 7:00 am eastern time. . Rates Per Hundredweight Rough Rates Per Pound For . Rice for Farm-Stored and Milled Rice Kernels . Warehouse Loans and LDPs _____________________________________________________________________ . 2023 CROP . World Loan Market World Loan . Market Gain and Price Rate . Index LDP Rate ----Cents/Pound---- . ---$/Hundredweight--- . Long 17.05 11.15 . 14.73 0.00 Med/Short 16.65 10.44 . 14.58 0.00 Broken 10.31 6.74 . na na _____________________________________________________________________ . 2024 CROP . World Loan Market World Loan . Market Gain and Price Rate . Index LDP Rate ----Cents/Pound---- . ---$/Hundredweight--- . Long 17.48 11.05 . 14.99 0.00 Med/Short 16.82 10.32 . 14.66 0.00 Broken 11.56 7.31 . na na _____________________________________________________________________ The above prices are based on the following loan rates, world prices and milling yields per hundredweight of rough rice: 2023 CROP Loan Rate World Price . Whole/Broken Yield ------ $/Cwt ------ . (Pounds/Cwt) . Long 6.76 10.67 . 48.82/19.56 Med/Short 7.04 11.54 . 61.56/09.04 2024 CROP Loan Rate World Price . Whole/Broken Yield ------ $/Cwt ------ . (Pounds/Cwt) . Long 6.78 10.72 . 48.49/19.41 Med/Short 6.96 11.30 . 58.10/13.20