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The Market's Fine Print

15 Dec 2016
By John HarringtonDTN Livestock Analyst Though holiday protocol varies from gift-grab to gift-grab, mid-December is often the time when tantalizingly small and large packages start to accumulate around the old Christmas tree. Some households with starry-eyed children or sentimental adults may insist that the yuletide skirt remains completely bare ...

GIPSA Sides Widely Differ

15 Dec 2016
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- The visceral political fights over livestock marketing rules will carry into the Trump administration as reaction to USDA's release of three rules on Wednesday ranged from all-out praise from some farm groups to condemnations of political retribution by other groups. The livestock marketing rule...

Trump Cabinet Fuels Concerns

15 Dec 2016
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- Biofuel supporters largely keep pointing to President-elect Donald Trump's campaign statements on ethanol, but the stack of nominations coming from Trump with far closer ties to oil than ethanol is quickly starting to raise some red flags. Trump has largely built his energy team over the past week...

The Invisible Pest

14 Dec 2016
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter MIAMI (DTN) -- For such a tiny pest, the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) generates some impressive numbers. The pathogen is ranked as the number-one soybean disease in the U.S. and number two, worldwide. It infests at least 29 states in the U.S. and researchers routinely peg annual yield losses around $1.5 billion....

DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends

14 Dec 2016
By Russ QuinnDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Retail fertilizer prices continued to split in direction the first week of December 2016, with some higher from a month earlier and some lower, according to retailers tracked by DTN. However, for the first time, a majority of fertilizers inched higher rather than lower. Five of the eight major fertiliz...
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