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Headline News

Sticky Situation on Bees

10 Jun 2016
By Pam SmithDTN Progressive Farmer Crops Technology Editor DECATUR, Ill. (DTN) -- Midwest honeybees have a smorgasbord of dining options, but corn and soybeans are not their first choice of entrees. Instead, pollinators make a beeline for clovers or find flowering weeds along roadsides and ornamental plants in urban settings more to their taste. ...

By the Numbers

10 Jun 2016
By Danny KlinefelterDTN Farm Business Adviser Turnover on many large-scale commercial farms remains a chronic issue. Low unemployment rates compound the problem, since your applicant pool may be shrinking as the nation's economic recovery continues to grow. That means hiring the right candidate at the outset is becoming more critical than ever. M...

Weekly Grain Exports Mixed

9 Jun 2016
By Darin NewsomDTN Senior Analyst OMAHA (DTN) -- This week's export sales report should be viewed as bearish for wheat, bullish for corn, and neutral for milo and soybeans, according to DTN Senior Analyst Darin Newsom. Weekly export sales for all wheat showed a total of 4.4 mb (119,400 mt), all for the 2016-2017 marketing year. An additional 199.2 ...

Family Business Matters

9 Jun 2016
By Lance WoodburyDTN Farm Business Adviser One of the reasons I enjoy working with closely held agriculture businesses is that many families take a holistic view of success. Making money is important, but it isn't always the most important: the chance to work with and influence family members, the sense of satisfaction in growing a crop or raising...

What's in Your Fields?

9 Jun 2016
By Emily UnglesbeeDTN Staff Reporter ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- This week, Dayton, Iowa, farmer AJ Blair has been cruising his soybean fields on a 4-wheeler, hunting for escaped weed patches to target with his post-emergence herbicide pass. In central Kansas, Justin Knopf and his family have logged miles through their young cornfields looking for cut...
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