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USDA Weekly Crop Progress Report

3 May 2021
This article was originally posted at 3:04 p.m. CDT on Monday, May 3. It was last updated at 3:43 p.m. CDT on Monday, May 3. ** OMAHA (DTN) -- After trailing the five-year average pace the previous week, corn planting jumped back to well ahead of normal last week as farmers took advantage of the much warmer weather to return to fieldwork with a ven...

Survey Shows Grazing Land Stewardship

3 May 2021
OMAHA (DTN) -- A vast majority of cattle producers have much interest in caring for the environment and pasture preservation practices, a recent survey sponsored by Elanco revealed. In addition, most producers understand the benefits of such organisms as dung beetles and earthworms in grassland ecology. The findings showed 90% of cattle producers p...

Nebraska and EPA Look for Solution

30 Apr 2021
By DTN Staff OMAHA (DTN) -- Agricultural corn seed giants started working on a containment strategy as Nebraska environmental regulators began taking stock of the pesticide and fungicide contamination at an ethanol plant that processed treated seeds almost exclusively. Seed companies stepped in and hired a company to take over environmental cleanup...

Biden Plan Would Raise Farm Taxes

30 Apr 2021
WASHINGTON (DTN) -- President Joe Biden's plans to raise capital gains and estate taxes would raise taxes on farmers and ranchers despite the Biden administration's statements that farms and family businesses would be exempt from some of the provisions, an American Farm Bureau Federation tax specialist said this week. Pat Wolff, Farm Bureau's senio...

Court Rules on Chlorpyrifos

30 Apr 2021
By Todd Neeley and Emily Unglesbee, DTN Staff Reporters This article was originally posted at 2:21 p.m. CDT on Thursday, April 29. It was updated with additional information at 11:58 a.m. CDT on Friday, April 30. ** LINCOLN, Neb. (DTN) -- The EPA has 60 days to either write a new rule to allow for the safe use of chlorpyrifos or halt all food resid...
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