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Headline News

Farmland Values Strengthen

12 Feb 2021
MT. JULIET, Tenn. (DTN) -- Federal Reserve system banks -- covering a swath of the country stretching from Montana to Indiana -- report strengthening land values and improving credit conditions, although the Kansas City and Chicago branches both mentioned regions that rely more heavily on cattle production aren't seeing the same boom that's occurri...

EPA Watchdog Critiques 24(c)

12 Feb 2021
ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- EPA's oversight of state Section 24(c) labels is poorly managed, risky to the public and environment and needs an overhaul, the agency's Inspector General said in a report issued Wednesday. The report could have implications for farmers, pesticide applicators and state regulators, who often rely on these types of pesticide l...

US Rules on Phosphorus Trade Dispute

12 Feb 2021
OMAHA (DTN) -- Imported phosphorus fertilizer could become more expensive after the U.S. Department of Commerce took a step this week towards putting tariffs on product from Russia and Morocco. The tariffs recommended for imported phosphorus would raise the costs anywhere from 9% to 47%, depending on the supplier, for a market amounting to roughly ...

Kub's Den

11 Feb 2021
When I saw that 2021 is designated as the "Year of the Ox" according to the Chinese zodiac, I thought that seemed very auspicious for a "bullish" sort of year in the commodity markets. However, compared to the image of a snorting, brawling bull, in contrast, every ox I've ever met was a different sort of fellow entirely -- placid, obedient and cont...

More Nasty Nematodes

11 Feb 2021
DECATUR, Ill. (DTN) -- Below ground pests are tough adversaries. Southern soybean farmers are learning first-hand as they face additional nematode threats. Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) was the main parasitic nematode concern for many Southern regions until the 1980s and it remains the primary yield worry for soybean states in the Midwest and farther...
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