Headline News
12 Mar 2018
By John HarringtonDTN Livestock Analyst Long before that lazy groundhog even begins to stir from his winter nap, way before seed catalogues flood the post office, and even months before the weather map can be safely folded against the threat of a blizzard, ranchers become necessarily infected with a bad case of spring fever. Unlike the reigning var...
12 Mar 2018
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- There are no magic bullets when it comes to providing broadband in rural America, but one thing is certain -- it can happen only if there is continued public investment in the industry, a group of industry representatives told members of Congress this week. Industry officials testifying before a U.S. ...
12 Mar 2018
By Pam SmithDTN Progressive Farmer Crops Technology Editor DECATUR, Ill. (DTN) -- Bayer has announced it is in exclusive talks with BASF on the sale of its vegetable seed business. The potential sale is another effort to move along Bayer's acquisition of Monsanto and to address antitrust concerns of the European Commission. Industry analysts pointe...
9 Mar 2018
By Darin NewsomDTN Senior Analyst Going into the March round of USDA supply and demand reports, the question was how big the cuts would be to Argentina's corn and soybean production estimates. As it turned out, changes were larger than expected with USDA's latest guess coming in at 36 million metric tons (1.42 billion bushels) for corn, as compared...
9 Mar 2018
By Chris Clayton DTN Ag Policy Editor and Emily Unglesbee DTN Staff Reporter WASHINGTON (DTN) -- USDA sees higher demand for the 2017-18 corn crop as use was increased for both exports and ethanol production for the corn crop, lowering expected ending stocks in the process. Corn is being buoyed by lower projected Argentina production while U.S. so...