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DTN Early Word Opening Livestock 12/01 06:07

1 Dec 2015
DTN Early Word Opening Livestock 12/01 06:07 Cattle Paper Set to Open Moderately Lower Look for live and feeder futures to open moderately lower, checked by follow-through selling and uncertain beef demand. Lean hog contracts seem set to begin moderately higher, supported by improving fundamentals. By John Harrington DTN Livestock Analyst Cattle: S...

DTN Early Word Grains 12/01 05:56

1 Dec 2015
DTN Early Word Grains 12/01 05:56 Grains Start December in the Green March corn was 2 cents higher, January soybeans were 4 cents higher, and March Chicago wheat was 3 cents higher. By Darin Newsom DTN Senior Analyst 6:00 a.m. CME Globex: March corn was 2 cents higher, January soybeans were 4 cents higher, and March Chicago wheat was 3 cents higher...

DTN Closing Livestock Comment 11/30 16:32

30 Nov 2015
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 11/30 16:32 Cattle Futures Spanked Hard After Long Holiday Weekend Live and feeder futures slumped significantly lower on the close, pressured by long liquidation and disappointing packer appetites. On the other hand, lean hog contracts settled on a mixed basis with nearby issues closing lower and deferreds moving high...

DTN Chart Technical Points 11/30 16:30

30 Nov 2015
DTN Chart Technical Points 11/30 16:30 DTN FUTURES 10 11/30/15 SLOW STOCHASTIC PRICES ARE DECIMAL MOVING AVERAGES RSI'S 5 Day 20 Day CONTRACT CLOSE 4-Day 9-Day 18-Day 45-Day 9Day 14Day 30Day %K %D %K %D CBTWT DEC 460.00 472.31 481.58 493.61 501.89 25.05 31.65 40.42 2 15 7 12 CBTWT MAR 475.50 482.63 486.94 497.53 507.31 30.06 35.24 42.15 9 27 11 15 ...

DTN Closing Grain Comments 11/30 14:09

30 Nov 2015
DTN Closing Grain Comments 11/30 14:09 Commercials Find Row Crop Bargains Corn and soybeans closed higher Monday, helped by commercial buying that also included both soy products. March Chicago wheat closed lower after news of heavy delivery intentions early Monday, but Kansas City and Minneapolis wheat both finished higher.
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