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DTN Chart Technical Points 10/01 16:30

1 Oct 2015
DTN Chart Technical Points 10/01 16:30 DTN FUTURES 10 10/01/15 SLOW STOCHASTIC PRICES ARE DECIMAL MOVING AVERAGES RSI'S 5 Day 20 Day CONTRACT CLOSE 4-Day 9-Day 18-Day 45-Day 9Day 14Day 30Day %K %D %K %D CBTWT DEC 518.25 510.06 505.00 494.88 497.62 66.86 60.69 52.67 70 67 87 83 CBTWT MAR 524.25 516.94 512.08 502.29 504.38 66.10 60.22 52.32 70 68 87 ...

DTN Closing Grain Comments 10/01 13:51

1 Oct 2015
DTN Closing Grain Comments 10/01 13:51 Soybeans Finish Lower, Harvest Continues November soybeans closed lower Thursday with ongoing harvest pressure quickly erasing Wednesday's benefit of a bullish stocks report from USDA. Corn and wheat finished higher, helped by a lower U.S. dollar and commercial buying in wheat with concerns about conditions in...

DTN Midday Grain Comments 10/01 11:06

1 Oct 2015
DTN Midday Grain Comments 10/01 11:06 Grains Mixed at Midday Corn and wheat are higher at midday, while soybeans lag. By David Fiala DTN Contributing Analyst General Comments The U.S. stock markets are lower with the Dow futures down 105 points. The interest rate products are mixed. The dollar index is 30 points lower. Energies are higher with crud...

DTN Early Word Opening Livestock 10/01 06:13

1 Oct 2015
DTN Early Word Opening Livestock 10/01 06:13 Live and Feeder Cattle Contracts Set for Further Losses Look for the cattle complex to remain under the gun, pressured by long liquidation and technical selling. Lean hog futures should open on a mixed basis with nearbys gaining on deferreds. By John Harrington DTN Livestock Analyst Cattle: Stdy/wk w/Wed...

DTN Closing Grain Comments 09/30 13:48

30 Sep 2015
DTN Closing Grain Comments 09/30 13:48 Soybeans, Wheat Gain On USDA Reports USDA's reporting of lower-than-expected September 1 supplies of soybeans and wheat helped lift November soybeans to their highest close in five weeks and December Chicago wheat to its highest close in seven weeks. December corn ended modestly lower after corn stocks were ro...
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