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DTN Early Word Opening Livestock 08/31 06:10

31 Aug 2015
DTN Early Word Opening Livestock 08/31 06:10 Cattle Futures Likely to Open Moderately Higher Look for live and feeder cattle contracts to open moderately higher, supported by follow-through buying and hopes of stabilizing cash. Lean hog contracts should be mixed in the early going thanks to spillover selling on one hand and short-covering on the ot...

DTN Early Word Grains 08/31 05:55

31 Aug 2015
DTN Early Word Grains 08/31 05:55 Grains Start the Week Lower Again December corn was fractionally lower, November soybeans were 8 cents lower, and December Chicago wheat was 2 cents lower. By Darin Newsom DTN Senior Analyst 6:00 a.m. CME Globex: December corn was fractionally lower, November soybeans were 8 cents lower, and December Chicago wheat ...

DTN Closing Livestock Comment 08/28 16:51

28 Aug 2015
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 08/28 16:51 Cattle Futures Close Tough Week with Triple-Digit Recovery Live and feeder cattle contracts closed sharply higher, supported late in the week by aggressive short covering and recent cash premiums. On the other hand, lean hog issues settled on a mixed basis with nearbys losing to far deferreds. By John Harri...

DTN Chart Technical Points 08/28 16:30

28 Aug 2015
DTN Chart Technical Points 08/28 16:30 DTN FUTURES 10 8/28/15 SLOW STOCHASTIC PRICES ARE DECIMAL MOVING AVERAGES RSI'S 5 Day 20 Day CONTRACT CLOSE 4-Day 9-Day 18-Day 45-Day 9Day 14Day 30Day %K %D %K %D CBTWT SEP 477.00 486.50 493.94 500.01 528.75 31.02 35.51 42.04 7 21 16 28 CBTWT DEC 483.75 491.81 498.81 504.88 535.36 31.72 35.56 41.59 7 21 17 29 ...

DTN Closing Grain Comments 08/28 13:58

28 Aug 2015
DTN Closing Grain Comments 08/28 13:58 Wheat Slides to New Low, Soybeans Higher December Chicago wheat posted a new contract low Friday with pleasant August weather paving the way for the final rounds of spring wheat harvest. December corn was steady and soybeans finished higher with help from next week's forecast for drier weather.
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