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DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends

15 Sep 2015

By Russ Quinn
DTN Staff Reporter

OMAHA (DTN) -- Retail fertilizer prices continue to decline as has been the case over the past few weeks, according to retailers tracked by DTN for the second week of September 2015.

All eight of the major fertilizers slipped in price compared to a month prior. Two fertilizers were significantly lower.

10-34-0 was 6% less while urea was 5% lower compared to a month earlier. 10-34-0 averaged $594 per ton and urea averaged $433 per ton.

10-34-0's average price dipped under $600/ton for the first time since the last week of February 2015. That week the average price for starter was $598/ton.

The remaining six fertilizers registered lower prices, but these moves were fairly small. DAP averaged $563/ton, MAP $580/ton, potash $467/ton, anhydrous $656/ton and UAN32 $346/ton.

On a price per pound of nitrogen basis, the average urea price was at $0.47/lb.N, anhydrous $0.40/lb.N, UAN28 $0.54/lb.N and UAN32 $0.54/lb.N.

Retail fertilizer prices have dropped in recent weeks but at a fairly limited clip, much to the chagrin of those who thought prices would plummet more than they have so far. Brent Hall, agronomy manager for South Central Coop located in Lacona, Iowa, said farmers should expect to see these smaller price drops to continue in the near term.

"We have seen some softening with prices, especially with P and K, but it has been a little downturn, nothing huge," Hall told DTN. "I think this kind of decline is what we will see through this fall."

Longer term, Hall said weather could be the key for what direction prices move this winter to next spring. If the majority of the Corn Belt sees a good fall fertilizer application season, prices over the winter could drop some.

However, if the Corn Belt sees a shorter fall application season because of early winter weather, then retail prices could be heading the other way, since more acres would need to be covered next spring, he said.

"I really think that however much fertilizer is applied this fall will be the key for where prices head longer term," he said.

With retail fertilizer moving lower in recent weeks, only one fertilizer is now higher compared to a year earlier. 10-34-0 is 7% higher versus last year.

The remaining seven nutrients are now lower compared to retail prices from a year ago. Both potash and MAP are 2% lower, DAP is 3% less expensive, anhydrous is 4% lower, UAN32 is 8% less expensive, UAN28 is down 9% and urea is 16% less expensive from a year ago.

DTN collects roughly 1,700 retail fertilizer bids from 310 retailer locations weekly. Not all fertilizer prices change each week. Prices are subject to change at any time.

DTN Pro Grains subscribers can find current retail fertilizer prices in the DTN Fertilizer Index on the Fertilizer page under Farm Business.

Retail fertilizer charts dating back to November 2008 are available in the DTN fertilizer segment. The charts included cost of N/lb., DAP, MAP, potash, urea, 10-34-0, anhydrous, UAN28 and UAN32.

DTN's average of retail fertilizer prices from a month earlier ($ per ton):

Sept 8-12 2014 581 589 475 516
Oct 6-10 2014 581 600 478 509
Nov 3-7 2014 579 598 480 500
Dec 1-5 2014 573 592 481 485
Dec 29-Jan 2 2015 565 593 486 462
Jan 26-30 2015 568 597 487 472
Feb 23-27 2015 568 597 488 472
Mar 23-27 2015 570 598 490 467
Apr 20-24 2015 570 598 491 453
May 18-22 2015 570 597 492 459
June 15-19 2015 571 597 490 467
July 13-17 2015 569 593 488 470
Aug 10-14 2015 568 591 479 457
Sep 7-11 2015 563 580 467 433
Date Range 10-34-0 ANHYD UAN28 UAN32
Sept 8-12 2014 554 681 330 377
Oct 6-10 2014 556 697 327 373
Nov 3-7 2014 559 705 324 369
Dec 1-5 2014 568 714 323 368
Dec 29-Jan 2 2015 576 707 322 353
Jan 26-30 2015 585 707 326 367
Feb 23-27 2015 598 706 330 370
Mar 23-27 2015 639 706 333 371
Apr 20-24 2015 650 711 329 371
May 18-22 2015 650 710 332 372
June 15-19 2015 642 706 330 369
July 13-17 2015 639 691 323 359
Aug 10-14 2015 631 677 315 356
Sep 7-11 2015 594 656 301 346

Russ Quinn can be reached at