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USDA Daily Market Rates 11/16 06:47

16 Nov 2015
USDA Daily Market Rates 11/16 06:47 HDR1010500000081116150700DAILY MARKET RATES(GRAIN/MISC COMMODITIES) Form Approved OMB No. 0560-XXXX Effective: November 16, 2015 ***NOTE CHANGES TO DIFFERENTIAL INFORMATION EFFECTIVE 11/16/15**** The following Market Rates are established to aid in the development of the Posted County Prices (PCPs) which are used by county FSA Offices for loan redemption purposes. Uses of these rates for other purposes may not be appropriate. Questions concerning the grain and oilseed market values should be directed to : KCCO/CMD at (816) 926-3816 THE FOLLOWING MARKET RATES ARE EFFECTIVE 7:00 A.M. (E.T.) 11/16/2015 COMMODITIES WHT WHT WHT WHT MKT HRW HRS SRW WHI AMA 4.11 */(1) CIN 4.68 */(11) EVN 4.76 */(13) GLF 5.54 */(3) 5.49 */(10) KCM 5.41 */(2) 3.63 */(9) MEM 5.06 */(14) MIN 5.16 */(4) */(71) 5.94 */(7) PNW 5.73 */(5) 5.64 */(8) 5.48 */(15) TOL 5.18 */(12) 5.18 */(17) WCD 5.73 */(6) */(53) 5.48 */(16) THE FOLLOWING MARKET RATES ARE EFFECTIVE 7:00 A.M. (E.T.) 11/16/2015 COMMODITIES WHT CORN BARLEY MKT HAD YC BRL AMA 3.83 */(22) CIN 3.64 */(29) GLF 4.10 */(24) */(54) 3.22 */(32) */(56) */(57) KCM 3.66 */(23) 2.87 */(33) LOS 8.95 */(20) */C MEM 3.80 */(31) MIN 8.25 */(18) */A 3.29 */(25) 2.67 */(34) */(60) */(61) PNW 8.25 */(19) */B 4.42 */(26) */(72) 3.65 */(35) */(58) TOL 3.70 */(30) TKO 3.83 */(28) */(55) WCD 9.00 */(21) */D 4.82 */(27) 4.50 */(36) */(59) */(62) */(63) BASIS ORDINARY PROTEIN */A MIN DISCOUNT ($1.00) FOR AMBER DURUM AND ($2.00) FOR DURUM */B PNW DISCOUNT ($1.00) FOR AMBER DURUM AND ($2.00) FOR DURUM */C LOS DISCOUNT ($1.00) FOR AMBER DURUM AND ($2.00) FOR DURUM */D WCD DISCOUNT ($1.00) FOR AMBER DURUM AND ($2.00) FOR DURUM THE FOLLOWING MARKET RATES ARE EFFECTIVE 7:00 A.M. (E.T.) 11/16/2015 COMMODITIES CWT. OATS SOYBEAN GRAIN SORGHUM MKT OAT YSB SOR CIN 8.76 */(44) 6.74 */(51) GLF 9.29 */(40) */(64) 7.66 */(49) */(69) */(68) */(70) KCM 8.66 */(39) MEM 8.90 */(46) 6.58 */(52) MIN 2.87 */(37) 8.33 */(41) */(65) */(66) */(67) NCD 5.95 */(48) PNW 3.26 */(38) 9.52 */(42) SCD 5.59 */(47) TOL 8.40 */(45) TKO 8.75 */(43) WCD 9.86 */(50) ****NOTE CHANGES TO DIFFERENTIAL INFORMATION EFFECTIVE 11/16/15 ***** POSTED COUNTY PRICE DIFFERENTIAL INFORMATION (Cents per bushel exceptas noted) UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE THE TERMINAL MARKETS LISTED BELOW WILL HAVE DIFFERENTIALS ADJUSTED AS FOLLOWS: (1) AMA HRW differentials add 0.00 cents/bu. (Effective 5/29/2014) (2) KCM HRW differentials add -0.73 cents/bu. (Effective 11/2/2015) (3) GLF HRW differentials add -0.48 cents/bu. (Effective 10/19/2015) (4) MIN HRW differentials add -0.52 cents/bu. (Effective 11/12/2015) (5) PNW HRW differentials add -0.81 cents/bu. (Effective 9/10/2015) (6) WCD HRW differentials add -1.06 cents/bu. (Effective 9/25/2015) (7) MIN HRS differentials add -0.82 cents/bu. (Effective 11/16/2015) (8) PNW HRS differentials add -0.26 cents/bu. (Effective 11/13/2015) (9) KCM SRW differentials add 1.08 cents/bu. (Effective 11/13/2015) (10) GLF SRW differentials add -0.56 cents/bu. (Effective 11/13/2015) (11) CIN SRW differentials add -0.05 cents/bu. (Effective 11/16/2015) (12) TOL SRW differentials add -0.70 cents/bu. (Effective 10/20/2015) (13) EVN SRW differentials add -0.15 cents/bu. (Effective 10/30/2015) (14) MEM SRW differentials add -0.42 cents/bu. (Effective 10/20/2015) (15) PNW WHI differentials add -0.13 cents/bu. (Effective 4/22/2013) (16) WCD WHI differentials add -0.18 cents/bu. (Effective 9/29/2015) (17) TOL WHI differentials add 0.00 cents/bu. (Effective 3/26/2012) (18) MIN HAD differentials add -0.43 cents/bu. (Effective 10/5/2015) (19) PNW HAD differentials add -0.05 cents/bu. (Effective 10/5/2015) (20) LOS HAD differentials add -0.25 cents/bu. (Effective 10/5/2015) (21) WCD HAD differentials add -0.25 cents/bu. (Effective 10/5/2015) (22) AMA YC differentials add -0.30 cents/bu. (Effective 9/3/2015) (23) KCM YC differentials add -0.10 cents/bu. (Effective 11/16/2015) (24) GLF YC differentials add -0.33 cents/bu. (Effective 11/10/2015) (25) MIN YC differentials add 0.12 cents/bu. (Effective 11/16/2015) (26) PNW YC differentials add -0.47 cents/bu. (Effective 11/16/2015) (27) WCD YC differentials add -0.75 cents/bu. (Effective 3/16/2015) (28) TKO YC differentials add -0.24 cents/bu. (Effective 11/5/2015) (29) CIN YC differentials add -0.17 cents/bu. (Effective 11/3/2015) (30) TOL YC differentials add -0.24 cents/bu. (Effective 11/16/2015) (31) MEM YC differentials add -0.24 cents/bu. (Effective 11/3/2015) (32) GLF BRL differentials add -0.02 cents/bu. (Effective 11/2/2015) (33) KCM BRL differentials add -0.02 cents/bu. (Effective 11/2/2015) (34) MIN BRL differentials add 0.17 cents/bu. (Effective 11/2/2015) (35) PNW BRL differentials add -0.41 cents/bu. (Effective 11/16/2015) (36) WCD BRL differentials add -0.70 cents/bu. (Effective 11/16/2015) (37) MIN OAT differentials add -0.54 cents/bu. (Effective 10/28/2015) (38) PNW OAT differentials add -0.81 cents/bu. (Effective 10/28/2015) (39) KCM YSB differentials add -0.17 cents/bu. (Effective 11/6/2015) (40) GLF YSB differentials add -0.45 cents/bu. (Effective 11/13/2015) (41) MIN YSB differentials add -0.07 cents/bu. (Effective 11/16/2015) (42) PNW YSB differentials add -0.67 cents/bu. (Effective 11/5/2015) (43) TKO YSB differentials add -0.19 cents/bu. (Effective 11/16/2015) (44) CIN YSB differentials add -0.18 cents/bu. (Effective 11/13/2015) (45) TOL YSB differentials add -0.07 cents/bu. (Effective 10/22/2015) (46) MEM YSB differentials add -0.27 cents/bu. (Effective 11/9/2015) (47) SCD SOR differentials add 0.00 cents/cwt. (Effective 9/10/2015) (48) NCD SOR differentials add -0.20 cents/cwt. (Effective 11/16/2015) (49) GLF SOR differentials add -1.30 cents/cwt. (Effective 11/10/2015) (50) WCD SOR differentials add -2.85 cents/cwt. (Effective 11/2/2015) (51) CIN SOR differentials add -0.90 cents/cwt. (Effective 10/28/2015) (52) MEM SOR differentials add -0.65 cents/cwt. (Effective 9/21/2015) (53) WCD HRW differentials in CA add 0.00 cents/bu. (Effective 2/24/2014) (54) GLF YC differentials in MN add 0.00 cents/bu. (Effective 9/27/2013) (55) TKO YC differentials in WI add -0.03 cents/bu. (Effective 6/19/2014) (56) GLF YC differentials in TX add 0.00 cents/bu. (Effective 9/20/2011) (57) GLF YC differentials in OK add 0.00 cents/bu. (Effective 9/20/2011) (58) PNW BRL differentials in MT add -0.06 cents/bu. (Effective 2/15/2013) (59) WCD BRL differentials in MT add 0.00 cents/bu. (Effective 11/17/2010) (60) MIN BRL differentials in MT add 0.02 cents/bu. (Effective 3/23/2015) (61) MIN BRL differentials in WY add 0.00 cents/bu. (Effective 9/27/2010) (62) WCD BRL differentials in ID add 0.00 cents/bu. (Effective 9/8/2014) (63) WCD BRL differentials in OR add 0.00 cents/bu. (Effective 11/17/2010) (64) GLF YSB differentials in MN add 0.04 cents/bu. (Effective 5/7/2015) (65) MIN YSB differentials in SD add 0.00 cents/bu. (Effective 1/4/2008) (66) MIN YSB differentials in ND add 0.00 cents/bu. (Effective 1/4/2008) (67) MIN YSB differentials in WI add 0.05 cents/bu. (Effective 1/14/2015) (68) GLF YSB differentials in LA, AL, MS add 0.04 cents/bu.(Effective 4/3/2014) (69) GLF SOR differentials in TX add 0.00 cents/cwt. (Effective 10/5/2011) (70) GLF SOR differentials in KS add 0.00 cents/cwt. (Effective 1/8/2008) (71) MIN HRW differentials in SD add 0.07 cents/bu. (Effective 9/3/2014) (72) PNW YC differentials in ND add -0.05 cents/bu. (Effective 12/31/2014) MINOR OILSEEDS THE FOLLOWING MARKET RATES ARE EFFECTIVE 7:00 A.M. (ET) 11/16/15 ALL PRICES PER CWT. 72 80 73 25 76 74 69 78 71 MARKET CAN CRA RAP FLX MUS SAF SEM SFN SUN ARL 13.19 AUG 13.19 CAR 13.69 COL 26.00 COR 26.00 FAR 16.07 31.00 16.60 GLD 31.00 17.55 GFK 30.00 GRF "N/B" 21.00 16.07 30.00 PAR 20.00 RDW 14.39 16.79 "N/B" RIC 26.00 VEL 14.54 COMMODITIES: MARKETS: CAN - CANOLA ARL - ARLINGTON, GA CRA - CRAMBE AUG - AUGUSTA, GA RAP - RAPESEED CAR - CARRINGTON, ND FLX - FLAX COL - COLUSA, CA SEM - SESAME SEED COR - CORCORAN, CA SUN - SUNFLOWER SEEDS (OIL TYPE) FAR - FARGO, ND SFN - SUNFLOWER SEEDS (OTHER TYPE) GLD - GOODLAND, KS SAF - SAFFLOWER GFK - GRAND FORKS, ND MUS - MUSTARD (INCLUDES): GRF - GREAT FALLS, MT YMU - YELLOW PAR - PARIS, TX BMU - BROWN RDW - RED WING, MN CMU - ORIENTAL RIC - RICHMOND, CA XMU - MIXED VEL - VELVA, ND PULSES THE FOLLOWING MARKET RATES ARE EFFECTIVE 7:00 A.M. (ET) 11/16/2015. ALL PRICES PER CWT. 51 51 41 48 MARKET CHL CHK LEN PEA US 27.5 22.50 35.20 11.17 COMMODITIES: MARKETS: CHL - LARGE CHICKPEAS CHK - SMALL CHICKPEAS US - United States LEN - LENTILS PEA - PEAS* YPE - YELLOW GPE - GREEN * ALSO INCLUDES, WRINKLED, DRY, WINTER DRY (AUSTRIAN WINTER), MISCELLANEOUS (MARROWFAT - TYPE PEAS), MIXED. COTTON UPLAND COTTON ADJUSTED WORLD PRICE (AWP), FINE COUNT ADJUSTMENT (FCA), COARSE COUNT ADJUSTMENT (CCA), and MARKET GAIN/LOAN DEFICIENCY PAY RATE (LDP) Effective 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time, Friday, 11/13/15, through midnight Eastern Time, Thursday, 11/19/15: AWP = 46.59 cents per pound FCA 2014 crop = 0.94 cents per pound FCA 2015 crop = 0.89 cents per pound CCA = 0.00 cents per pound LDP Rate = 5.41 cents per pound, subject to allowable fine count or coarse count adjustment. The next scheduled AWP, FCA, and CCA announcement will be at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Thursday, 11/19/15. RICE PRICES The following world prices of rice are effective from 11/11/15 at 7:00 am eastern time until the next announcement occurs. The next price announcement is scheduled for 11/18/15 at 7:00 am eastern time. 0 . Rates Per Hundredweight Rough Rates Per Pound For . Rice for Farm-Stored and Milled Rice Kernels . Warehouse Loans and LDPs _____________________________________________________________________ . 0 2014 CROP . World Loan Market World Loan . Market Gain and Price Rate . Index LDP Rate ----Cents/Pound---- . ---$/Hundredweight--- . Long 15.14 10.25 . 13.42 0.00 Med/Short 14.76 9.63 . 13.06 0.00 Broken 9.13 6.18 . na na _____________________________________________________________________ . 2015 CROP . World Loan Market World Loan . Market Gain and Price Rate . Index LDP Rate ----Cents/Pound---- . ---$/Hundredweight--- . Long 15.10 10.22 . 13.25 0.00 Med/Short 14.60 9.63 . 12.92 0.00 Broken 9.11 6.51 . na na _____________________________________________________________________ The above prices are based on the following loan rates, world prices and milling yields per hundredweight of rough rice: 0 2014 CROP Loan Rate World Price . Whole/Broken Yield ------ $/Cwt ------ . (Pounds/Cwt) . Long 6.64 9.81 . 57.21/12.55 Med/Short 6.51 9.94 . 61.89/8.83 0 0 2015 CROP Loan Rate World Price . Whole/Broken Yield ------ $/Cwt ------ . (Pounds/Cwt) . Long 6.50 9.53 . 55.01/13.46 Med/Short 6.50 9.79 . 61.81/8.43 0 PRIVACY ACT AND PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENTS The following statements are made in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552a) and the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, as amended. The authority for requesting the following information is Docket CZ-200, 7 USC 7285 and 15 USC 714 B and C. The data will be used to establish Bulk Grain market information. This information may be provided to other agencies, IRS, Department of Justice, or other State and Federal law enforcement agencies, and in response to a court magistrate or administrative tribunal. The provisions of criminal and civil fraud statutes, including: 18 USC 286, 287, 371, 641, 651, 1001; 15 USC 714m; and 31 USC 3729, may be applicable to the information provided. Federal agencies may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Clearance Officer, OIRM (OMB No. 0560-XXXX), Stop 7630, Washington, D.C. 20250-7630. NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDAs TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.