DTN Closing Livestock Comment 11/10 15:24
10 Nov 2016
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 11/10 15:24 Livestock Futures Close Higher Live cattle futures closed higher Thursday, up 10 to 102. Feeder cattle contracts were also higher, up 25 to 82. Lean hog futures were mixed to mostly higher, down 2 to up 82. By Rick Kment DTN Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: Following the movement of nearly 11,000 head of cattle sold Wednesday on the Fed Cattle Exchange, cattle markets remained generally quiet Thursday with token bids developing at $101 per cwt in the South and $160 in the North. Asking prices remain at $016 in the South and $165 and higher in the North with no indication of trade seen through the afternoon Thursday. Friday trade may stretch into afternoon hours. According to the closing report, the national hog base is $0.01 higher compared with the Prior Day settlement ($39.00-$42.25, weighted average $41.40). Corn futures closed higher, up 2 3/4 in the December and up 2 1/4 in the March.