Portland Grain Review 12/29
29 Dec 2016
December 29, 2016 Portland Price Trends 12-01-15 01-01-16 11-01-16 12-22-16 12-29-16 #1 SWW (bu) 5.40 5.35 4.75 4.46 4.50 White Club 6.65 6.60 5.00 4.61 4.65 DNS 14% 5.69 6.17 6.34 6.54 6.55 HRW 11.5% 6.52 5.60 5.04 4.93 5.00 #2 Corn (ton) 159.00 154.00 145.00 156.00 157.00 #2 Barley 150.00 150.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 Wheat...Slowed holiday-week trade was evident for west coast markets, as white wheat bids generally hovered near marketing year lows. Trading remained limited, with basis levels holding mostly steady for soft white and hard red winter wheat while hard red spring gained a nickel. Carry structures also showed bids remaining flat for all wheats through March. Shipments...Weekly export inspections showed a nice rebound in total U.S. wheat shipments over the past week, coming in at 19.1 mb to put the year-to-date total at 555 mb and 28% ahead of last year. Shipments were evenly split between Gulf and PNW ports. Top shipper for the week was hard red winter with 7.6 mb, followed by hard red spring with 6.7 mb and soft red winter at 2.6 mb. Soft white registered 1.5 mb. Top destination off the west coast was Thailand with 2.4 mb, followed by China with 2.3 mb. Taiwan took 1.9 mb and Japan was at 1.7 mb for the week. -Norm Ruhoff Extension Economist University of Idaho CALS-AERS Copyright 2016 DTN/Telvent. All Rights Reserved.