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USDA Weekly Crop Progress

22 Aug 2017
By DTN Staff

OMAHA (DTN) -- Crop conditions were mostly stable last week with corn condition unchanged from the previous week and soybean condition up just 1 percentage point in the good-to-excellent category, according to USDA's weekly Crop Progress report released Monday.

USDA estimated that 62% of corn was in good-to-excellent condition as of Sunday, Aug. 20, the same as the previous week. That resulted in a DTN Corn Condition Index of 149, up 1 point from the previous week, said DTN Analyst Todd Hultman. DTN's index is still down from 180 a year ago and is close to corn's rating of 148 in 2013. Slight improvement was shown in the Dakotas from a week ago.

Corn progress continued to run slightly behind normal. Seventy-six percent of corn had reached the dough stage, down from 83% a year ago, and down slightly from the five-year average of 77%. Twenty-nine percent of corn was dented, down from 37% a year ago and down from the five-year average of 35% dented.

"Monday's USDA Crop Progress report is neutral for corn," Hultman said.

Soybean progress continued slightly ahead of normal with USDA estimating 97% of soybeans in the blooming stage as of Sunday, down from 98% a year ago and even with the five-year average of 97%. Eighty-seven percent of soybeans were setting pods, which was down from 88% a year ago, but above the five-year average of 85%.

Sixty percent of the soybean crop was rated in good-to-excellent condition as of Sunday, up 1 percentage point from 59% the previous week. That resulted in a DTN Soybean Condition Index of 143, which is up 1 point from the previous week. The index is down from 174 a year ago and is still lower than the past four years.

"Monday's report is neutral for soybeans," Hultman said.

USDA also reported that 58% of spring wheat was harvested as of Sunday, down from 63% a year ago, but above the five-year average of 51% harvested. Thirty-four percent of spring wheat was rated in good-to-excellent condition up 1 percentage point from 33% the previous week. That resulted in a DTN Spring Wheat Condition Index of 34, which is up 3 points from the previous week. DTN's index is down from 155 a year ago and is still the lowest since 1988.

"Monday's harvest progress is neutral for spring wheat prices," Hultman said.

Sorghum was 40% coloring, behind the average of 45%, and mature was 26%, also behind the average of 28% mature. Sorghum harvested was 19%, slightly ahead of the average of 18%. Sorghum condition improved to 66% good to excellent from 64% good to excellent the previous week.

Barley was 70% harvested as of Sunday, ahead of the average pace of 58%. Oats were 78% harvested, behind the average of 83%.

Cotton was 88% setting bolls and 12% bolls opening compared to an average pace of 88% setting bolls and 14% bolls opening. Cotton condition improved to 63% good to excellent from 61% good to excellent the previous week. Rice was 96% headed, ahead of the average of 92%, and 15% of rice was harvested as of Sunday, slightly ahead of the average of 14% harvested.

The following are highlights from weekly crop progress reports issued by National Ag Statistics Service offices in individual states. To view the full reports from each state, visit…


Isolated precipitation was received in several Colorado counties this past week, continuing to provide beneficial moisture but delaying fieldwork in a few areas. In northwestern counties, only spotty moisture has been received. A reporter noted that hay and pasture conditions in several areas are drought stressed, with below normal yields reported for hay. Livestock water for rangeland in these counties remains critically low. Northeastern counties received rain this past week, with heavy amounts reported in areas. Cooler conditions continue to provide relief from dry conditions and seasonal heat. Dryland crops are improving with precipitation, but rangeland is dry in areas and in need of moisture. A reporter noted that a shortage of moisture in weeks prior negatively affected grain fill in some corn. In east-central counties, reports of hail last week were noted, but thus far damage to crops is minimal. In the San Luis Valley, barley harvest is in full swing. A reporter noted that some second-cutting alfalfa remains in the field due to continued rainfall. Southeastern counties also received more rain this past week. A reporter noted recent lack of heat units has slowed progress of crops, notably sorghum. Previous severe weather in southeastern counties continues to affect quality of alfalfa hay harvested. Statewide, harvest of barley and spring wheat was behind last year and the average. Topsoil moisture: 3% very short, 18% short, 75% adequate, 4% surplus. Subsoil moisture: 3% very short, 19% short, 76% adequate and 2% surplus.


Drier weather prevailed across most of the state last week. There were 6.3 days suitable for fieldwork during the week. Statewide, the average temperature was 74.2 degrees, 0.2 degree above normal. Precipitation averaged 0.45 inch, 0.41 inch below normal. Topsoil moisture: 9% very short, 41% short, 49% adequate, and 1% surplus. Subsoil moisture: 8% very short, 38% short, 53% adequate, and 1% surplus. Corn dough was at 91%, compared to 88 last year. Corn dented was at 41%, compared to 46% for the five-year average. Corn condition was rated 4% very poor, 10% poor, 32% fair, 42% good and 12% excellent. Soybeans setting pods was at 92%, compared to 88% last year. Soybean coloring was at 4%. Soybean condition was rated 3% very poor, 9% poor, 28% fair, 52% good and 8% excellent.


Another dry week has kept irrigation systems running regularly to reduce some of the stress on crops. Few areas across the state received rain, and in many areas the rain was not enough to be beneficial for crops. Portions of west-central Indiana were considered to be abnormally dry according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. The statewide average temperature was 74.9 degrees, 2.1 degrees above normal. Statewide precipitation was 0.36 inch, below average by 0.50 inch. There were 6.3 days available for fieldwork for the week, the same as the previous week. Regionally, corn was 78% in dough in the north, 81% in central, and 86% in the south. Corn was 41% dented in the north, 37% in central, and 43% in the south. Corn rated in good to excellent condition was 56% in the north, 50% in central, and 51% in the south. Soybeans were 87% setting pods in the north, 88% in central, and 83% in the south. Soybeans rated in good to excellent condition were 58% in the north, 51% in central, and 51% in the south. Continued dry and hot weather increased stressors on corn and soybeans, especially in sandy soils and areas without irrigation. The presence of rust remained prevalent in corn fields, along with ear rot and diplodia stalk rot. Soybeans grown in sandy soils began to whiten in the afternoons from the heat. Growers reported that weeds are still growing strong across the State. Other activities for the week included scouting and spraying for pests on corn and soybeans, preparing bins for fall storage, hauling grain and mowing roadsides. Topsoil moisture: 6% very short, 33% short, 58% adequate and 3% surplus. Subsoil moisture: 3% very short, 30% short, 65% adequate and 2% surplus.


Much-needed rain fell throughout the state of Iowa last week. Statewide there were 4.8 days suitable for fieldwork. Activities for the week included haying and hauling grain. Topsoil moisture: 19% very short, 31% short, 49% adequate and 1% surplus. Topsoil moisture levels in south-central and southeast Iowa remained over 90% short to very short. Subsoil moisture: 22% very short, 34% short, 44% adequate and 0% surplus. Seventy-eight percent of the corn crop was in or beyond the dough stage, one week behind last year. Twenty-one percent of the corn crop has reached the dent stage, one week behind last year and five days behind the five-year average. Sixty-one percent of the corn crop was rated in good to excellent condition. Eighty-eight percent of soybeans were setting pods, four days behind last year but equal to average. Soybean condition improved slightly to 58% good to excellent. Almost all the oat crop for grain or seed has been harvested. The third cutting of alfalfa hay reached 73% complete, eight days ahead of last year and 10 days ahead of average.


Near-normal temperatures were recorded across much of the state last week. Most areas received 1 inch or less of rain, with localized rainfall measuring up to 4 inches in a few southeastern areas. There were 5.1 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture: 5% very short, 26% short, 66% adequate, and 3% surplus. Subsoil moisture: 4% very short, 24% short, 70% adequate, and 2% surplus. Corn condition rated 4% very poor, 10% poor, 29% fair, 43% good, and 14% excellent. Corn dough was 83%, near 86% last year and the five-year average of 85%. Dented was 40%, behind 48% last year and 46% average. Soybean condition rated 2% very poor, 8% poor, 35% fair, 49% good and 6% excellent. Soybeans blooming was 95%, near 93% last year, and ahead of 90% average. Setting pods was 79%, ahead of 69% last year and 66% average. Sorghum condition rated 1% very poor, 6% poor, 31% fair, 53% good and 9% excellent. Sorghum headed was 79%, behind 89% last year, but near 77% average. Coloring was 11%, behind 30% last year and 20% average. Sunflower condition rated 2% poor, 33% fair, 57% good and 8% excellent. Sunflowers blooming was 70%, behind 80% last year, and near 72% average.


There were 5.4 days suitable for fieldwork in Michigan last week. Timely rains provided moisture stress relief to crops in parts of southern Michigan. However, additional rainfall was needed to expedite crop maturation. Meanwhile, pleasant weather continued further north, which boosted crop progress and conditions. Corn was in mostly good condition in central and northern Michigan, but there was some yellowing of the crop due to lack of nitrogen. The corn crop in southern Michigan was stressed due to the prolonged dry conditions which in turn slowed crop development. This past week's spotty rain events provided slight relief. The rains were also beneficial to soybean development as the crop continued to form and fill pods. White mold was found in some fields and there were a few reports of spider mites, but overall the crop was progressing nicely. Dry beans also had a presence of white mold, which was contained at low levels. Barley, oat, rye and wheat harvests continued toward completion in the northern two-thirds of the state while the sugarbeet harvest was just getting underway in central Michigan. Topsoil moisture: 11% very short, 36% short, 48% adequate, 5% surplus. Subsoil moisture: 12% very short, 31% short, 51% adequate and 6% surplus.


Widespread rainfall limited Minnesota farmers to only 2.6 days suitable for fieldwork last week. That was the fewest days suitable for fieldwork in any week since late May. Activities for the week included harvesting small grains and spraying crops in areas where possible. Topsoil moisture: 3% very short, 12% short, 70% adequate and 15% surplus. Subsoil moisture: 3% very short, 13% short, 75% adequate and 9% surplus. Corn at dough was eight days behind last year. Soybeans setting pods were one day ahead of normal. Spring wheat harvest is eight days behind average. Barley harvest is five days ahead of average. Ninety-two percent of the dry beans were setting pods or beyond, with 8% dropping leaves. Dry edible bean condition rated 73% good to excellent. Sunflower condition remained at 91% good to excellent.


Temperatures last week averaged 75.6 degrees, 0.8 degree below normal. Precipitation averaged 1.33 inches statewide, 0.55 inch above normal. Statewide, topsoil moisture supply was rated 9% very short, 24% short, 66% adequate and 1% surplus. Subsoil moisture supply was rated 7% very short, 25% short and 68% adequate. Corn in the dough stage reached 90%, up 5 percentage points from last week. Corn dented reached 64%, up 17 percentage points from last week. Corn condition was rated 61% good to excellent. Soybeans blooming reached 92%. Soybeans setting pods reached 75%. Soybean condition was rated 61% good to excellent. Cotton setting bolls reached 90%. Cotton condition was rated 59% good to excellent. Rice headed was at 90%. Rice condition was rated 61% good to excellent.


Temperatures averaged 1 to 5 degrees below normal last week. Significant rainfall of an inch or more was received across most of the state, while some central counties received up to 6 inches of rain. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 7% very short, 26% short, 63% adequate and 4% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 11% very short, 31% short, 57% adequate and 1% surplus. Corn dough was 83%, near 85% last year, and equal to the five-year average. Dented was 28%, behind 38% last year and 36% average. Corn condition was rated 63% good to excellent. Soybeans setting pods was 89%, near 90% both last year and average. Soybean condition was rated 61% good to excellent. Sorghum headed was 92%, near 94% last year and 88% average. Coloring was 24%, behind 42% last year, but near 23% average. Sorghum condition was rated 66% good to excellent.

North Dakota

Harvest progress was either halted or delayed, as significant rainfall amounts were received over much of the state last week. Moisture amounts ranged from half an inch to over 3 inches. Some hail was received in the western part of the state. Temperatures across the state averaged 2 to 6 degrees below normal. Statewide, topsoil moisture supplies were rated 16% very short, 34% short, 48% adequate and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 17% very short, 36% short, 45% adequate and 2% surplus. Corn silking was 98%, near 95% last year and 97% for the five-year average. Dough was 50%, behind 68% last year and 59% average. Dented was 6%, behind 17% last year and 14% average. Corn condition was rated 50% good to excellent. Setting pods was 88%, behind 93% both last year and average. Dropping leaves was 4%, near 5% both last year and average. Soybean condition was rated 47% good to excellent. Soybeans blooming was 96%, near 99% both last year and average. Winter wheat harvested was 85%, behind 94% last year. Spring wheat mature was 94%. Harvested was 52%, behind 61% last year, but ahead of 45% average. Spring wheat condition was rated 35% good to excellent. Barley harvested was 75%, near 74% last year, and ahead of 58% average. Oats mature was 95%. Harvested was 72%, behind 78% last year, but ahead of 57% average. Durum wheat mature was 70%, ahead of 56% last year. Harvested was 19%. Durum wheat condition was rated 11% good to excellent. Canola coloring was 96%, near 93% last year, and ahead of 90% average. Harvested was 17%, behind 29% last year, and near 21% average. Canola condition was rated 40% good to excellent.


Temperatures across the state were above normal, while most of the state saw very limited precipitation. While most of the state saw small amounts of rain, some locally heavy rainfalls were observed, mainly in the southwestern and southeastern parts of Ohio. Statewide, topsoil moisture was rated 3% very short, 23% short, 70% adequate and 4% surplus. Subsoil moisture was rated 2% very short, 19% short, 76% adequate and 3% surplus. Corn in the dough stage reached 70%, behind the average of 75%, and corn dented was 16%, well behind the average pace of 26%. Corn condition was rated 60% good to excellent. Soybeans blooming was 95%, behind the average of 98%, and soybeans setting pods was 83%, also behind the average of 89% setting pods. Soybean condition was rated 54% good to excellent.


Oklahoma continues to experience above normal rainfall, with the statewide average computing to approximately 1.46 inches. Statewide, temperatures averaged in the high 70s. Topsoil moisture was rated 10% short, 79% adequate and 11% surplus. Subsoil moisture was rated 2% very short, 20% short, 72% adequate and 6% surplus. Corn dough reached 85%, up 2 points from normal, and corn dent reached 54%, equal to the normal pace. Corn condition was rated 61% good to excellent. Sorghum headed and coloring reached 79% and 49% respectively, both of which were up 5 points from the previous year. Sorghum mature reached 10%, unchanged from the previous year. Soybeans blooming reached 80%, up 15 points from the previous year while, soybeans setting pods reached 54%, up 7 points from the previous year. Soybean conditions were rated 77% good to excellent. Cotton setting bolls reached 67%, down 9 points from normal, and cotton bolls opening reached 3%, down 1 point from normal. Cotton condition was rated 91% good to excellent.

South Dakota

Much of the state received over an inch of rain last week. The precipitation, along with cooler-than-normal temperatures, provided drought relief to portions of South Dakota. Statewide, topsoil moisture supplies were rated 23% very short, 29% short, 47% adequate and 1% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 29% very short, 33% short, 37% adequate and 1% surplus. Spring wheat harvested was 88%, ahead of 74% for the five-year average. Oats harvested was 89%, near 91% average. Barley mature was 92%, near 90 average, and harvested was 45%, well behind 67% average. Corn dough was 65%, behind 75% average, and dented was 13 percent, behind 21% average. Corn condition was rated 42% good to excellent. Soybeans setting pods was 89%, near 88% average, and dropping leaves was 2%, near 4% average. Soybean condition was rated 42% good to excellent. Sorghum headed was 85%, coloring was 22% and mature was 3%, near 1% average mature. Sorghum condition was rated 9% good to excellent.


Weather was mostly hot and dry in south-central Texas, the Coastal Bend, south Texas and the Lower Valley. The rest of the state experienced cooler temperatures and from 0.2 inch to 2 inches of rain. Statewide, topsoil moisture was rated 9% very short, 24% short, 51% adequate and 16% surplus. Subsoil moisture was rated 10% very short, 28% short, 53% adequate and 9% surplus. Corn was 60% mature, near the average of 59%, and 51% of corn was harvested as of Sunday, ahead of the average of 46%. Cotton was 14% bolls opening and 9% harvested, ahead of the average of 4%. Rice was 70% harvested, well ahead of the average of 52% harvested. Sorghum was 56% harvested, ahead of the average of 52%. Soybeans setting pods were 89%, ahead of the average of 78%, and soybeans dropping leaves was 40%, ahead of the average of 31% dropping leaves. Soybean condition was rated 62% good to excellent.


Temperatures were close to normal last week, with highs in the upper 70s and low 80s. Rain interrupted fieldwork midweek, with heavy precipitation in the northern part of the state and light or scattered rains elsewhere. In some areas, reporters noted that light and sandy soils were getting dry while in other areas the soil was still wet enough to cause nitrogen deficiencies. Some reporters commented that corn will need a late first frost to reach full maturity. Statewide, topsoil moisture supplies were rated 7% short, 84% adequate and 9% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 2% short, 87% adequate and 11% surplus. Fifty-one percent of Wisconsin's corn has reached the dough stage or beyond, two days behind the five-year average. Five percent of the corn has reached the dented stage, six days behind the average. Corn condition was 71% good to excellent, 1 percentage point above the previous week. Eighty-seven percent of the state's soybeans were setting pods, two days ahead of average. Soybeans have just begun to color in the southern part of the state. Soybean condition was rated 74% good to excellent, 1 percentage point below the previous week. Harvesting of oats for grain was reported at 62% complete, eight days behind the average.

National Crop Progress Summary
This Last Last 5-Year
Week Week Year Avg.
Corn Dough 76 61 83 77
Corn Dented 29 16 37 35
Soybeans Blooming 97 94 98 97
Soybeans Setting Pods 87 79 88 85
Spring Wheat Harvested 58 40 63 51
Cotton Setting Bolls 88 80 91 88
Cotton Bolls Opening 12 10 15 14
Sorghum Headed 84 75 88 82
Sorghum Coloring 40 31 51 45
Sorghum Mature 26 21 28 28
Sorghum Harvested 19 NA 16 18
Oats Harvested 78 66 88 83
Barley Harvested 70 52 68 58
Rice Headed 96 91 97 92
Rice Harvested 15 12 16 14

National Crop Condition Summary
(VP=Very Poor; P=Poor; F=Fair; G=Good; E=Excellent)
This Week Last Week Last Year
Corn 3 9 26 48 14 3 9 26 49 13 2 5 18 54 21
Soybeans 3 9 28 50 10 3 9 29 49 10 2 5 21 54 18
Spring Wheat 23 19 24 27 7 24 18 25 27 6 3 6 25 56 10
Sorghum 2 5 27 56 10 2 6 28 54 10 1 6 28 52 13
Cotton 5 6 26 48 15 8 4 27 44 17 4 14 35 39 8
Rice 1 6 24 54 15 1 6 22 56 15 4 9 26 48 13

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