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USDA Weekly Crop Progress

26 Sep 2017
By Anthony Greder
DTN Managing Editor
Russ Quinn
DTN Staff Reporter

OMAHA (DTN) -- Corn and soybean harvest and winter wheat planting all lagged the five-year average pace during the week ended Sept. 24, according to USDA's latest Crop Progress and Condition report issued Monday.

USDA estimated that 51% of corn was mature as of Sunday, well behind the average of 64%. Eleven percent of corn was harvested, also behind the five-year average of 17%. Corn condition held steady at 61% good to excellent. That resulted in the DTN Crop Condition Index increasing 1 point from the previous week to 145 points this week, still well below the previous year's 178 points. "If considered at all, these numbers would be viewed as neutral," Newsom said.

While soybeans dropping leaves matched the average pace of 63%, soybean harvest continued to run slightly behind normal at 10% complete as of Sept. 24 compared to the five-year average of 12%. USDA estimated soybean condition at 60% good to excellent, up 1 percentage point from the previous week. That resulted in the DTN Crop Condition Index increasing 3 points this week to 146 points, still well below last year's 176 points. "If considered at all, these numbers would be viewed as neutral," Newsom said.

USDA guessed winter wheat planting to be 24% completed as of Sunday, even though no firm estimate on 2018 acreage has been established yet. That was 4 percentage points behind the five-year average of 28% planted. The key growing state of Kansas was estimated to be 14% completed as compared to the five-year average of 20%. "If considered at all, these numbers would be viewed as neutral," Newsom said.

Sorghum was 32% harvested, slightly behind the five-year average of 33%.

Cotton was 57% bolls opening and the crop was 14% harvested nationwide, ahead of the average of 9% harvested. Cotton condition worsened from 61% good to excellent the previous week to 60% last week. Rice was 69% harvested, compared to a 61% average.

The following are highlights from weekly crop progress reports issued by National Ag Statistics Service offices in individual states. To view the full reports from each state, visit…


Widespread cool and rainy weather late last week brought beneficial moisture to several areas last week. Early in the week, warm and dry conditions continued to promote crop maturity. There were 5.6 days suitable for fieldwork in the week, down from the previous week's 6.8 days. Topsoil moisture is 3% very short, 23% short, 72% adequate and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture is 3% very short, 28% short and 69% adequate. Corn dented is 86% with 96% the five-year average. Corn mature is 31% with 47% at the five-year average. Corn harvested is 4% with 7% the five-year average. Corn silage harvested is 76% with 78% the five-year average. Corn crop condition is 10% very poor to poor, 29% fair and 61% good to excellent. Barley harvested is 97%. Sorghum turning color is 90% with 88% the five-year average. Sorghum mature is 20% with 33% the five-year average. Sorghum crop condition is 8% very poor to poor, 16% fair and 76% good to excellent. Spring wheat harvested is 4% with the five-year average of 16%. Winter wheat planted is 39% with 49% the five-year average. Winter wheat emerged is 13% with 16% the five-year average.


Fall harvest is underway throughout the state. There 6.7 were days suitable for fieldwork last week. Statewide, the average temperature was 76.8 degrees, 14.3 degrees above normal. Precipitation averaged 0.59 inch, 0.20 inch below normal. Topsoil moisture supply was rated at 32% very short, 45% short and 23% adequate. Subsoil moisture supply was rated at 23% very short, 50% short and 27% percent adequate. Corn dented was at 94%, compared to 98% for the five-year average. Corn mature was at 57%, compared to 84% last year. Corn harvest was 11% complete, compared to 24% for the five-year average. Corn condition was rated 4% very poor, 10% poor, 34% fair, 43% good and 9% excellent. Soybeans coloring was at 85%, the same as the five-year average. Soybeans dropping leaves was at 57%, compared to 58% last year. Soybean harvest was 9% complete, compared to 5% last year. Soybean condition was rated 5% very poor, 10% poor, 29% fair, 48% good and 8% excellent.


A hot and mostly dry week left west-central Indiana in moderate drought conditions going into harvest season. Topsoil moisture is 13% very short, 41% short, 45% adequate and 1% surplus. Subsoil moisture is 37% short, 50% adequate and 1% surplus. Corn dented is 92% with 95% the five-year average. Corn mature is 54% with 65% the five-year average. Corn harvested for grain is 10% with the five-year average 14%. Corn harvested for silage is 76%. Corn crop condition is 18% very poor to poor, 29% fair and 53% good to excellent. Soybeans dropping leaves is 64% with the five-year average 70%. Soybeans harvested is 10% with 9% the five-year average. Winter wheat planted is 4% with 5% the five-year average.


There were above-average temperatures and scattered rains throughout the state last week. Statewide, there were 5.8 days suitable for fieldwork. Activities for the week included starting to harvest corn for grain and soybeans, planting cover crops, spreading manure, hauling grain, and finishing up chopping corn silage, harvesting seed corn, and cutting hay. Topsoil moisture levels rated 22% very short, 27% short, 50% adequate and 1% surplus. Subsoil moisture levels rated 21% very short, 33% short, 46% adequate and 0% surplus. Ninety-four percent of the corn crop has reached the dent stage or beyond, one week behind last year and three days behind the five-year average. Fifty-two percent of corn had reached maturity, five days behind average. Corn condition remained the same as last week at 59% good to excellent. Ninety-one percent of soybeans were turning color or beyond, equal to last year and three days ahead of average. Sixty percent of soybeans were dropping leaves, two days behind last year but one day ahead of average. Five percent of the soybean crop has been harvested, two days behind average. Soybean condition improved slightly to 60% good to excellent.


The state continued to experience above-normal temperatures last week. Measureable rainfall was received in western Kansas. Row-crop harvest and winter wheat seeding continued. There were 6.1 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture rated 17% very short, 41% short, 40% adequate, and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture rated 15% very short, 38% short, 46% adequate, and 1% surplus. Winter wheat planted was 14%, near 18% last year, and behind 20% for the five-year average. Emerged was 3%, equal to last year, and near 4% average. Corn condition rated 5% very poor, 14% poor, 29% fair, 39% good, and 13% excellent. Corn dented was 96%, near 98% last year and 97% average. Mature was 75%, near 79% last year and 76% average. Harvested was 29%, near 27% last year, but behind 35% average. Soybean condition rated 5% very poor, 15% poor, 37% fair, 38% good, and 5% excellent. Soybeans dropping leaves was 60%, well ahead of 32% last year, and ahead of 44% average. Harvested was 6%, near 2% last year and 3% average. Sorghum condition rated 2% very poor, 8% poor, 32% fair, 47% good, and 11% excellent. Sorghum coloring was 90%, behind 95% last year, but near 88% average. Mature was 35%, behind 44% last year, but near 34% average. Harvested was 6%, near 9% last year and 7% average. Cotton condition rated 0% very poor, 4% poor, 33% fair, 55% good, and 8% excellent. Cotton setting bolls was 93%, equal to last year, and near 96% average. Bolls opening was 41%, near 37% last year, and equal to average. Harvested was 3%, equal to last year, and near 1% average. Sunflowers condition rated 1% very poor, 4% poor, 26% fair, 57% good, and 12% excellent.


There were 6.6 days suitable for fieldwork in Michigan last week. Dry conditions and record-high temperatures continued to affect crops throughout the state this week. Topsoil moisture is 27% very short, 46% short, 25% adequate and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture is 23% very short, 47% short, 29% adequate and 1% surplus. Corn dough is 95% with 98% the five-year average. Corn dented is 84% with 87% the five-year average. Corn mature is 37% with 42% the five-year average. Corn harvested for grain is 4%, also the five-year average. Corn harvested for silage is 51% with the five-year average 28%. Corn crop condition is 15% very poor to poor, 35% fair and 50% good to excellent. Soybeans dropping leaves is 67% with 63% the five-year average. Soybeans harvested is 4%, also the five-year average. Soybeans crop condition is 18% very poor to poor, 34% fair and 48% good to excellent. Winter wheat planted is 9% with 13% the five-year average. Oats harvested is 98% with 99% the five-year average.


Northwest Minnesota received substantial rainfall while other of parts of the state remained dry enough to begin soybean harvest last week. There were 4.4 days suitable for fieldwork. Harvest continued for corn silage, dry beans, potatoes, sugarbeets and alfalfa hay. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 1% very short, 9% short, 76% adequate and 14% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 3% very short, 12% short, 79% adequate and 6% surplus. Ninety-three percent of the corn for grain crop reached the dent stage, six days behind the five-year average. Thirty-three percent had reached maturity, nine days behind average. There were scattered reports of corn for grain being harvested in southeast Minnesota. Corn harvested for silage was 60% complete, one week behind average. Corn condition was unchanged at 81% good to excellent. Ninety-three percent of the soybean crop was turning color with 64% dropping leaves. Soybeans were 7% harvested. Soybean condition declined slightly to 71% good to excellent.


Unseasonably warm and dry weather was prevalent throughout the state last week, with temperatures averaging 77.4 degrees, 13.5 degrees above normal. Precipitation averaged 0.41 inch statewide, 0.70 inch below normal. There were 6.1 days suitable for fieldwork for the week. Topsoil moisture supply was rated 14% very short, 38% short and 48% adequate. Subsoil moisture supply was rated 13% very short, 37% short and 50% adequate. Corn mature reached 80%, up 19 percentage points from last week. Corn harvested for grain was 32% complete, compared to 40% for the five-year average. Corn condition was rated 63% good to excellent. Soybeans coloring reached 77%, compared to 65% for the five-year average. Soybeans dropping leaves was at 35%, up 16 percentage points from last week. Soybean harvest was 4% complete, compared to 3% for the 5-year average. Soybean condition was rated 63% good to excellent. Cotton with bolls opening reached 73%. Cotton condition was rated 46% good to excellent. Rice harvest reached 54%. Rice condition was rated 83% good to excellent.


Temperatures averaged near normal across western Nebraska, but 6 to 10 degrees above normal in the east. Rainfall of an inch or more was received across most of the state, with some central counties recording up to 4 inches. Harvest activities were slowed due to the moisture. There were 5.7 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 4% very short, 26% short, 69% adequate and 1% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 7% very short, 34% short, 58% adequate and 1# surplus. Corn mature was 55%, behind 62% average, and corn harvested was 7%, behind 13% average. Corn condition was rated 67% good to excellent. Soybeans dropping leaves was 80%, ahead of 70% average, and soybeans harvested was 10%, equal to average. Soybean condition was rated 64% good to excellent. Winter wheat planted was 47%, behind 59% average, and emerged was 15%, behind 21% average. Sorghum mature was 50%, ahead of 42% average, and harvested was 13%, ahead of 4% average. Sorghum condition was rated 76% good to excellent.

North Dakota

Significant rainfall was received over much of the state last week, which delayed most harvest activities. Moisture amounts ranged from over an inch in the western part of the state, to over 3 inches in the east. Temperatures were variable, averaging 2 to 6 degrees below normal in the western part of the state, to 2 to 6 degrees above normal in the east. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 10% very short, 28% short, 59% adequate and 3% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 14% very short, 33% short, 51% adequate and 2% surplus. Corn mature was 30%, behind 48% average, and corn harvested was 1%, behind 6% average. Corn condition was rated 53% good to excellent. Soybeans dropping leaves was 88%, near 87% average, and soybeans harvested was 9%, behind 21% average. Soybean condition was rated 52% good to excellent. Winter wheat planted was 52%, near 51% last year, and emerged was 12%, near 11% last year. Canola harvested was 95%, ahead of 91% average.


Extreme heat and dry conditions over most of Ohio helped push corn and soybeans to maturity last week. Rain was largely confined to the northwestern part of the state with locally heavy spots. There were 5.8 days suitable for fieldwork. Statewide, topsoil moisture was rated 6% very short, 33% short, 58% adequate and 3% surplus. Subsoil moisture was rated 6% very short, 29% short, 63% adequate and 2% surplus. Corn was 39% mature, behind the average of 50%, and 3 of corn was harvested for grain, behind the average of 6%. Corn condition was rated 62% good to excellent. Soybeans dropping leaves was 58%, behind the average of 71%, and soybeans harvested was 5%, also behind the average pace of 8%. Soybean condition was rated 57% good to excellent. Winter wheat was 3% planted, behind the average of 6%.


Most of the state recorded less than 2 inches of precipitation last week. The panhandle district experienced some of the higher accumulations, recording 1.43 inches. As of Sept. 19, drought conditions were rated 2% moderate drought to exceptional, unchanged from the previous week and down 11 points from the previous year. Statewide, temperatures averaged in the high 70s. Topsoil moisture was rated 9% very short, 38% short and 53% adequate. Subsoil moisture was rated 6% very short, 36% short and 58% adequate. Winter wheat planted reached 16%, down 9 points from normal. Corn mature reached 73%, down 14 points from normal, and corn harvested reached 42%, down 9 points from normal. Sorghum harvested reached 27%, down 1 point from normal. Soybeans dropping leaves reached 25%, up 9 points from normal, and soybeans harvested reached 1%, down 1 point from normal. Cotton bolls opening reached 52%, down 7 points from normal, and cotton harvested reached 1%, up 1 point from normal.

South Dakota

Temperatures were above average for much of eastern South Dakota last week as daytime highs climbed into the mid- to upper-80s late in the week. Multiple rounds of showers and thunderstorms brought significant rainfall to many east-central and northeastern locations. There were 5.3 days suitable for fieldwork. Topsoil moisture supplies rated 20% very short, 23% short, 55% adequate and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 28% very short, 28% short, 43% adequate and 1% surplus. Corn mature was 32%, well behind 57% average, and corn harvest was 1%, behind 11% average. Corn condition was rated 40% good to excellent. Soybeans dropping leaves was 75%, behind 82% average. Soybean harvest was 4%, behind 17% average. Soybean condition was rated 49% good to excellent. Sorghum coloring was 80%, behind 95% average, and mature was 31%, behind 49% average. Sorghum condition was rated 14% good to excellent. Winter wheat planted was 50%, near 48% average, and emerged was 6%, equal to average.


A storm hit the Plains with strong winds and hail damaging some fields and cooling temperature in the area. Precipitation in the Plains, the Trans-Pecos, southeast Texas and the Upper Coast measured from 0.5 inch to 1.5 inches with isolated areas getting upwards to 2.5 inches of rain. There were 6.3 days suitable for fieldwork. Statewide, topsoil moisture was rated 15% very short, 37% short, 44% adequate and 4% surplus. Subsoil moisture was rated 13% very short, 37% short, 48% adequate and 2% surplus. Corn was 83% mature as of Sunday, ahead of the average of 79%, and 68% of corn was harvested, ahead of the average of 65%. Forty-five percent of the cotton crop had bolls opening, behind the average of 51%, and 21% of cotton was harvested, ahead of the average of 13%. Sorghum was 72% harvested, ahead of the average of 66%. Soybeans were 76% dropping leaves, equal to average, and 50% of soybeans were harvested, slightly behind the average of 52%. Winter wheat was 33% planted, ahead of the average of 29%, and 4% of wheat was emerged, behind the average of 6%. Oats were 15% planted, ahead of the average of 13%.


A second week of hot, dry and sunny conditions gave crops in Wisconsin a needed boost in development. Temperatures rose into the upper 80s and 90s, and many cities statewide had daily highs above normal. Statewide, topsoil moisture supplies were rated 7% very short, 22% short, 68% adequate and 3% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 3% very short, 20% short, 74% adequate and 3% surplus. Twenty-three percent of corn was mature, nine days behind the average. Corn acres harvested for silage was reported at 34% complete, seven days behind the average. Corn condition was 69% good to excellent, 1 percentage point below the previous week. Leaves were turning color on 81% of the state's soybean acreage, four days behind the average. Forty-six percent of soybeans were reported dropping leaves, three days behind the average. Soybean harvest was just getting underway. Soybean condition was rated 74% good to excellent, 2 percentage points below the previous week. Thirty-nine percent of Wisconsin's winter wheat acres were planted as of Sunday, 11 days ahead of last year. Winter wheat emerged was reported at 18% complete, nine days ahead of last year.

National Crop Progress Summary
This Last Last 5-Year
Week Week Year Avg.
Corn Dented 93 86 96 95
Corn Mature 51 34 70 64
Corn Harvested 11 7 14 17
Soybeans Dropping Leaves 63 41 65 63
Soybeans Harvested 10 4 9 12
Winter Wheat Planted 24 13 28 28
Cotton Bolls Opening 57 44 61 61
Cotton Harvested 14 11 9 9
Sorghum Coloring 90 84 93 90
Sorghum Mature 52 43 60 54
Sorghum Harvested 32 29 33 33
Rice Harvested 69 55 72 61

National Crop Condition Summary
(VP=Very Poor; P=Poor; F=Fair; G=Good; E=Excellent)
This Week Last Week Last Year
Corn 4 9 26 47 14 4 9 26 48 13 2 5 19 54 20
Soybeans 3 9 28 49 11 3 9 29 48 11 2 5 20 54 19
Sorghum 2 6 28 52 12 2 6 27 53 12 1 5 28 52 14
Cotton 6 8 26 43 17 6 8 25 44 17 4 12 36 38 10

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