News & Resources

Volunteers Needed

13 Mar 2018
By Pam Smith
DTN Progressive Farmer Crops Technology Editor

DECATUR, Ill. (DTN) -- Last year, Brent and Lisa Judisch agreed to let DTN readers follow their growing season through weekly reports from the field and farm. The Cedar Falls, Iowa, couple never dreamed so many readers would come along for the ride.

For the past 13 years, DTN's View From the Cab series has encouraged readers to experience the successes, struggles and dreams of two farm families each week from spring planting through harvest. Now we're looking for two new farmers to step into the role for 2018.

"The conversations kept my mind fresh on what all happens around here on a weekly basis," said Brent. He even formed a connection with a farmer from Indiana and they were able to visit in person over the summer.

Farmers interested in participating in View From the Cab during the 2018 season should send us a short note and tell us why you and your farm should be featured in this series. Give us an idea of what you grow, where and why you'd like to be considered and send to

Past View From the Cab featured farmers have been:

2017: Zack Rendel, Miami, Oklahoma; Brent and Lisa Judisch, Cedar Falls, Iowa

2016: Chase Brown, Warrensburg, Illinois; Jim Hoover, Newport, Pennsylvania

2015: Lane Robinson, Cromwell, Indiana; Leon Kriesel, Gurley, Nebraska

2014: Karen and Bill Johnson, Avoca, Iowa; Jamie Harris, Madison, Florida

2013: William "Shep" Sheppard, Louisiana, Missouri; Kane Bercaw, Union City, Michigan

2012: Katie Sanger Hancock, Water Valley, Kentucky; Ryan Brodersen, Randolph, Nebraska

2011: Tom Tibbits, Minneapolis, Kansas; David Brandt, Carroll, Ohio

2010: Becton Bell, Wilson, Arkansas; Frank Zweber, Hoven, South Dakota

2009: Marcus Hess, Bushnell, Illinois; Matt Wolle, St. James, Minnesota

2008: Dan Pedersen, Underwood, Iowa; Brad Lindstrom, Varna, Illinois

2007: Matt Rush, Fairfield, Illinois; Jason Heijl, Abbott, Texas

2006: Bob Worth, Lake Benton, Minnesota; Keith Miller, Great Bend, Kansas

2005: Richard Oswald, Langdon, Missouri; Mark Rasumssen, Hoagland, Montana.

Pamela Smith can be reached at

Follow her on Twitter @PamSmithDTN
