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Portland Grain Review 12/05

5 Dec 2019
December 5 2019 Portland Price Trends 12-01-18 01-01-19 11-01-19 11-29-19 12-05-19 #1 SWW (bu) 6.25 6.15 6.00 5.95 5.90 White Club 6.25 6.15 7.50 7.75 7.65 DNS 14% 6.97 6.59 7.06 6.84 6.88 HRW 11.5% 6.56 6.39 5.96 6.07 6.00 #2 Corn (ton) 170.00 168.00 177.00 135.00 140.00 #2 Barley 140.00 140.00 135.00 172.00 176.00 Wheat..Announcement of a USDA donation tender put some footing under west coast white wheat prices this week, with the agency seeking offers next week on 2.1 mb to be shipped in January. Nearby basis levels have otherwise been defensive while basis on protein wheat markets have held firm over the past month. Weekly Sales...USDA showed export sales for U.S. wheat took a major setback over the past week, coming in 63% below the prior week and 44% below the four-week average. Sales of 8.4 mb put the year-to-date total at 8.4 mb; 5% ahead of a year ago but 3% below the 5-year average pace. Top seller was hard red winter with 5.9 mb, holding above the four-week average, to put total sales for the year at 224 mb; 35% ahead of a year ago and 6% above average. Hard red spring saw 1.3 mb in new commitments to put sales at 167 mb, which sets 9% behind a year ago and 13% behind average. Soft white garnered 1.1 mb and with 147 mb in commitments sets 14% behind a year ago and 5% below average. -Norm Ruhoff Contributing Analyst Copyright 2019 DTN/Telvent. All Rights Reserved.