DTN Closing Livestock Comment 02/01 15:40
1 Feb 2023
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 02/01 15:40 Lower Tones Dominate Livestock Complex by Wednesday's Close Heading into Thursday, be prepared for export data and on the lookout for any developments in the cash market. ShayLe Stewart DTN Livestock Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS The livestock complex traded lower throughout much of Wednesday's market as fears of what the Federal Reserve would do grew heavier on the market as the day traded. Hog prices closed higher on the Daily Direct Afternoon Hog Report, up $2.18 with a weighted average of $73.03 on 10,408 head. March corn is up 1 1/4 cents per bushel and March soybean meal is up $0.50. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 7.94 points.