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DTN Closing Livestock Comment 04/20 15:42

20 Apr 2023
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 04/20 15:42 Cattle Close Higher but Cash Cattle Market Remains Uncertain Heading into Friday's market, monitoring any developments in the cash market will remain imperative as well as studying the Cattle on Feed report when it becomes available. ShayLe Stewart DTN Livestock Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: It was another mixed day for the livestock complex as both the live cattle and feeder cattle markets closed higher, yet the cash cattle complex traded a few more cattle in the North for $288. Meanwhile, the lean hog complex plunged lower throughout Thursday's market as demand remains a key concern for the pork complex. Hog prices closed lower on the Daily Direct Afternoon hog report, down $0.75 with a weighted average of $66.92 on 4,880 hogs. May corn closed down 8 1/2 at $6.638 and July soybean meal closed down $3.30 at $448.7. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 110.39 at 33,786.62.