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DTN Closing Livestock Comment 08/25 15:38

25 Aug 2023
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 08/25 15:38 Traders Support Livestock Contracts Through Friday Heading into the weekend, cattlemen are excited to see what next week brings as the contracts were well supported this past week. ShayLe Stewart DTN Livestock Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: The livestock complex was well supported through the week's end, as all three markets rounded out the week mostly higher. Some cash cattle trade was reported shortly after the noon hour Friday, and the feedlots that elected to wait until late in the week to sell were rewarded with better prices than those who sold early. Hog prices closed lower on the Daily Direct Afternoon Hog Report, down $3.03 with a weighted average price of $84.62 on 2,129 head. December corn is down 1/4 cent per bushel and December soybean meal is up $2.70. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 247.54 points.