DTN Closing Grain Comments 10/02 13:49
2 Oct 2023
DTN Closing Grain Comments 10/02 13:49 Wheat, Soybean Oil and Corn Return With Big Gains Monday December Chicago wheat was up 23 1/4 cents and December soybean oil was up 1.60 cents, the top two percentage gainers in Monday's grain-related sector. December corn was up 12 cents, a delayed benefit after USDA found lower-than-expected corn stocks for Sept. 1 in Friday's report. Todd Hultman DTN Lead Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: December corn closed up 12 cents and July corn was up 11 3/4 cents. November soybeans closed up 2 cents and July soybeans were up 5 3/4 cents. December KC wheat closed up 13 cents, December Chicago wheat was up 23 1/4 cents and December Minneapolis wheat was up 9 1/2 cents.