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DTN Closing Livestock Comment 10/31 15:46

31 Oct 2023
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 10/31 15:46 An Eerie Calm Developed Across Livestock Futures Summary: The biggest scare across livestock trade on Halloween was the suspense of a "market scare" that never developed Tuesday. Traders allowed markets to coast out of the month of October with light to moderate gains seen in most contracts. Rick Kment DTN Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: Trade Tuesday was generally sluggish with occasional bursts of buying and selling stepping into the market throughout the trading session. Due to the overall lack of trade volume and general lackluster interest in both hog and cattle futures, this occasional surge of activity was able to shift markets higher and lower through the day. Markets closed mostly higher in all markets, with deferred live cattle futures showing the most price support at the end of the session. Gains in grain and feed prices initially put some pressure on feeder cattle futures, but by the end of the day, all nearby feeder cattle contracts inched higher. Hog prices closed lower on the Daily Direct Afternoon hog report, down $1.13 with a weighted average of $69.6 on 7,164 hogs. December corn closed up 1/2 at $4.788 and December soybean meal closed up $4.50 at $431.00. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 123.91 at 33,052.87.