DTN Closing Livestock Comment 11/03 15:47
3 Nov 2023
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 11/03 15:47 Livestock Futures Slip Friday Despite a generally good week in livestock futures, prices slid lower in late week position taking. The aggressive triple digit gains seen Thursday in feeder cattle and lean hog futures allowed for some traders to slowly back away from positions at the end of the week. Light volume added to market softness Friday afternoon. Rick Kment DTN Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: From Friday-to-Friday livestock futures scored the following changes: December Live cattle off $0.13, February Live cattle up $2.28; November Feeder cattle up $3.70, January Feeder cattle up $4.05; December Lean hogs up $1.28, December Lean hogs up $1.28; December Pork cutout up $1.00, December Pork cutout up $1.00.