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Top 5 Things to Watch

19 Nov 2023

OMAHA (DTN) -- Here are the Top 5 things the DTN Newsroom is tracking for the week of Nov. 19. Watch for coverage of these and other topics through the week on our subscription platforms as well as on

Note: All times listed below are in Central Standard Time (CST) unless otherwise mentioned.

1. Short markets week for Thanksgiving: As we gather stories for the week, families will gather across the country to give thanks for the year that was 2023. We hope it has been a positive year for our readers and their families, despite the many challenges the year brought. DTN's holiday coverage schedule will look like this: Wednesday markets open and close as normal, we'll have normal Closing Market Video and Six Factor strategies updates for DTN subscribers. Thursday, U.S. markets are closed, but Canadian markets are open so DTN Canadian Analyst Cliff Jamieson will still have some market updates. On Friday, grain and livestock futures markets open at 8:30 a.m.; we will carry Early Word Grains and Before the Bell grains comments that morning ahead of the opening. Most grain and livestock futures markets will close at 12:30 p.m. We will not have a Closing Markets video that afternoon, and the CFTC will not release updated position data until Nov. 27.

2. Reminder on Ag Summit: There is still plenty of time to sign up for the 2023 DTN Virtual Ag Summit, Dec. 5-6. We'll have sessions on a number of business-critical topics from interest rates, changing farmland values and global economics. To register for the Summit, go here:….

3. Holiday cold snap: Rain systems during the Nov. 18 weekend will bring colder air in for the holiday and the following weekend. DTN Ag Meteorologist John Baranick notes that temperatures may reach even lower than current estimates. He adds the dip will likely hold through the first days of December, but then temperatures should be milder. El Nino usually means a mild December in the U.S., and Baranick says weather models have a very "El Nino look" to them, at least through mid month. That's not good news for winter wheat.

4. Eyes on South America: Traders continue to watch weather and crop conditions in South America, particularly Brazil. Conditions there are expected to be wetter in the south, drier in northern states. Argentina has seen inconsistent rainfall of late but is still in much better shape than 2022.

5. Economic reports to watch: Monday -- The index of U.S. leading indicators will be out at 9 a.m., followed by USDA's weekly report of grain export inspections at 10 a.m. and Crop Progress at 3 p.m. On Tuesday the report on U.S. existing home sales in October will be out at 9 a.m. Minutes from the latest FOMC meeting will be revealed at 1 p.m. On Wednesday, U.S weekly jobless claims and durable goods orders for October come out at 7:30 a.m. At 9:30 a.m., the U.S. Energy Department's weekly inventory report will be released, followed by natural gas storage at 10 a.m. and USDA's monthly cold storage report at 2 p.m. On Thursday, U.S. futures markets are closed for Thanksgiving. On the shortened market day Friday, we'll see USDA weekly export sales posted at 7:30 a.m.

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