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DTN Early Word Grains 11/30 05:40

30 Nov 2023
DTN Early Word Grains 11/30 05:40 US Crop Prices Leaning Lower on Busy Thursday EARLY MORNING GLOBEX NET CHANGES: March corn was steady, January soybeans were down 2 cents and March KC wheat was down 3 cents. Todd Hultman DTN Lead Analyst EARLY MORNING GLOBEX NET CHANGES: March corn was steady, January soybeans were down 2 cents and March KC wheat was down 3 cents. CME GLOBEX RECAP: Early Thursday, Dow Jones futures are trading higher after Wednesday's report from the Commerce Department showed third-quarter U.S. GDP up 3.0% from a year ago. USDA's weekly export sales report will be posted at 7:30 a.m. CST Thursday, the same time as weekly U.S. jobless claims, reports on U.S. personal income and spending in October, the personal consumption expenditures index for October, and an update of the U.S. Drought Monitor. The Energy Department's report on natural gas storage follows at 10 a.m. Also on Thursday, OPEC may decide to cut production again and an important UN climate conference begins in the United Arab Emirates. See more here: 28/cop-leader-wants-us-tax-dollars-oil. OUTSIDE MARKETS: Previous closes Wednesday showed the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 13.44 at 35,430.42 and the S&P 500 Index down 4.31 at 4,550.58. The 10-Year Treasury yield ended at 4.27%. Early Thursday, December Dow Jones futures are up 150 points. European markets are a little higher with the spot futures of the London FTSE 100 trading up 0.29%, spot futures of Germany's DAX trading up 0.14% and spot futures of France's CAC Index trading up 0.08%. Asian markets are higher with Japan's Nikkei 225 index up 0.50% and China's Shanghai Composite Index up 0.26%.