DTN Closing Livestock Comment 12/03 17:09
3 Dec 2023
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 12/03 17:09 Feeder Cattle Futures Tumble Lower Friday Active pressure in livestock futures trade Friday was led by aggressive market losses across the feeder cattle complex. The optimism seen Tuesday and Wednesday has been fully eroded as January feeder cattle fell nearly $5 per cwt through the week. Rick Kment DTN Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: Week Ended: 12/1/23: From Friday-to-Friday, livestock futures scored the following changes: December Live Cattle off $0.97, February Live Cattle off $1.85; January Feeder Cattle off $4.90, March Feeder Cattle off $5.50; December Lean Hogs up $1.03, February Lean Hogs up $1.33; December Pork cutout up $1.95.