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DTN Closing Livestock Comment 12/15 15:56

15 Dec 2023
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 12/15 15:56 Continued Buying Develops in Livestock Futures This week has been a positive shift for the livestock complex with prices steadily moving as the week progressed. The ability to move prices away from support levels is expected to create some additional momentum during late December. Rick Kment DTN Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: From Friday to Friday, livestock futures scored the following changes: December Live cattle up $2.78, February Live cattle up $3.63; January Feeder cattle up $5.60, March Feeder cattle up $6.10; February Lean hogs up $3.48, February Lean hogs up $2.93; February Pork cutout off $0.62, April Pork cutout off $0.55.