DTN Closing Livestock Comment 01/22 15:44
22 Jan 2024
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 01/22 15:44 Hogs Hail Higher While Cattle Remain Mixed It was another mixed day for the livestock complex as hogs rounded out the day mostly higher while the cattle complex wasn't as confident. ShayLe Stewart DTN Livestock Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: The lean hog contracts were able to close mildly higher, but the cattle complex kept with its mixed position through Monday's end. Moving throughout the week monitoring slaughter speeds, demand and weather remains crucial. Hog prices closed lower on the daily Direct Afternoon Hog report, down $0.09 with a weighted average price of $46.53 on 2,210 head. March corn is up 1/4 cent per bushel and March soybean meal is down $0.70. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up 145.35 points.