DTN Closing Grain Comments 01/26 14:40
26 Jan 2024
DTN Closing Grain Comments 01/26 14:40 Grain and Soy Markets Plunge in Unison to End the Week on Fund Selling, Bearish Weather and Weak Exports Soybeans, wheat and corn fell together on Friday in a risk-off end to the week. Corn and soybeans have weakened on a more optimistic outlook for South American production, slowing exports and fund selling. Chicago wheat, after seven consecutive higher closes, led the wheat markets to a sharply lower finish to end that streak. Dana Mantini Senior Market Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: March corn closed down 5 1/2 cents per bushel and March soybeans finished down 13 3/4 cents per bushel. March KC wheat was down 12 1/4 cents per bushel, March Chicago wheat closed down 12 cents per bushel and March Minneapolis wheat ended down 5 cents.