DTN Closing Grain Comments 02/07 13:53
7 Feb 2024
DTN Closing Grain Comments 02/07 13:53 Row Crop Prices Succumb to Lower Closes; Wheats Hold Mixed to Firm March corn fell 4 1/2 cents to a new low close in 2024, while March soybeans fell 10 1/2 cents to $11.89, near its lowest close in eight months. Wednesday's selling was likely prompted by the return of rain to South America plus the anticipation of Thursday's new estimates from USDA, among other factors. Todd Hultman DTN Lead Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: March corn closed down 4 1/2 cents and December corn was down 3 1/2 cents. March soybeans closed down 10 1/2 cents and November soybeans were down 6 3/4 cents. March KC wheat closed down 1/4 cent, March Chicago wheat was up 7 cents and March Minneapolis wheat was up 3 cents.