DTN Closing Grain Comments 02/09 14:03
9 Feb 2024
DTN Closing Grain Comments 02/09 14:03 Corn, Soybean Prices End Lower Friday and for the Week March corn fell 4 1/4 cents to another new contract low Friday and March soybeans were down a dime; neither was able to generate significant buying interest in early February. March Chicago wheat closed up 8 1/4 cents, showing the largest percentage gain among Friday's grain-related contracts, but was down 3 cents on the week. Todd Hultman DTN Lead Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: March corn closed down 4 1/4 cents and December corn was down 4 cents. March soybeans closed down 10 cents and November soybeans were down 9 cents. March KC wheat closed up 1/2 cent, March Chicago wheat was up 8 1/4 cents and March Minneapolis wheat was up 1/2 cent.