DTN Closing Grain Comments 04/22 13:54
22 Apr 2024
DTN Closing Grain Comments 04/22 13:54 US Crop Prices Higher Monday as Adverse Weather Interrupts Bear Slide December corn closed up 6 1/4 cents and November soybeans were up 10 3/4 cents Monday, influenced by higher closes in wheat and vegetable oils. Cold and wet weather across northern Europe may have damaged crop prospects with more of the same expected this week. Todd Hultman DTN Lead Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: July corn closed up 6 3/4 cents and December corn was up 6 1/4 cents. July soybeans closed up 10 3/4 cents and November soybeans were up 10 3/4 cents. July KC wheat closed up 19 1/2 cents, July Chicago wheat was up 20 3/4 cents and July Minneapolis wheat was up 10 1/4 cents.