DTN Closing Grain Comments 05/31 13:50
31 May 2024
DTN Closing Grain Comments 05/31 13:50 Crop Prices Continue Post-Memorial Day Slide on Friday Corn and soybean prices started higher Friday, but finished lower by the end of the session, finding no significant support since USDA reported planting progress on Tuesday. Wheat prices were mixed with a mostly dry forecast still ahead for crops in southwestern Russia. Todd Hultman DTN Lead Analyst GENERAL COMMENTS: July corn closed down 2 1/2 cents and December corn was down 4 cents. July soybeans closed down 4 3/4 cents and November soybeans were down 5 1/2 cents. July KC wheat closed down 3/4 cent, July Chicago wheat was down 2 1/2 cents and July Minneapolis wheat was down 2 1/4 cents.