DTN Cattle Close/Trends 07/15 15:56
15 Jul 2024
USDA MARKET NEWS--AFTERNOON CATTLE REPORT 07/15/24 VOLUME USDA TOTAL RANGE DTN PRACTICAL RANGE WT AVG KANSAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: WEEK TO DATE: STEERS LIVE FOB No reportable trade STEERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade HEIFERS LIVE FOB No reportable trade HEIFERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade NEBRASKA CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: WEEK TO DATE: STEERS DRESSED DELIVERED No reportable trade STEERS DRESSED FOB No reportable trade HEIFERS DRESSED DELIVERED No reportable trade HEIFERS DRESSED FOB No reportable trade TEXAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: WEEK TO DATE: STEERS LIVE FOB No reportable trade STEERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade HEIFERS LIVE FOB No reportable trade HEIFERS LIVE DELIVERED No reportable trade COLORADO CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: NA Conf WEEK TO DATE: NA Conf STEERS LIVE FOB NA Due to Confidentiality STEERS LIVE DELIVERED NA Due to Confidentiality HEIFERS LIVE FOB NA Due to Confidentiality HEIFERS LIVE DELIVERED NA Due to Confidentiality IOWA CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: WEEK TO DATE: STEERS DRESSED DELIVERED No reportable trade STEERS DRESSED FOB No reportable trade HEIFERS DRESSED DELIVERED No reportable trade HEIFERS DRESSED FOB No reportable trade COMMENTS: It was a typical, quiet Monday for the cash cattle market with no bids or asking prices having surfaced yet. Trade will likely be delayed this week as there's a Cattle on Feed report on Friday. Last week, Southern live cattle traded at mostly $188, which is $4.00 lower than the previous week's weighted average while Northern dressed cattle traded at $312 which is $2.00 lower than the previous week's weighted average. Last week's negotiated cash cattle trade totaled 82,802 head. Of that, 75% (61,798 head) were committed to the nearby delivery, while the remaining 25% (21,004 head) were committed to the deferred delivery. 5-AREA LV STR AVG(FOB)PR&WT: $195.34(1433) HIDE&OFFAL: $11.59 -0.13 CARCASS EQV INDEX CHOICE (600-900#) SELECT (600-900#) HEAD SUPPLY (Live) $295.33 $273.62 62,647 DEMAND (Box) $309.49 $292.82 46,538 INDEX VALUE $302.41 -0.74 $283.22 +0.89 109,185 BEEF CUTOUTS CHOICE (600-900#) SELECT (600-900#) $321.49 -0.57 $304.82 +2.51 46.90 LDS CH CUTS / 12.16 LDS SEL CUTS / 15.13 LDS TRIM / 14.85 LDS GROUND DAILY CHOICE/SELECT SPREAD $16.67 TOTAL LOAD COUNT 89 COMPREHENSIVE WEEKLY CUTOUT VALUE: Week ending 07/12 $320.79 -3.68 CUTTER 90% 350# UP C/O: $295.78 -3.01 NAT'L BONELESS BF TRIM: 36.69 lds / Shrply lw on lgt-mod dem & mod offers 90% TRIM: 09 lds: Wtd Avg: $377.68 / Sharply higher FI KILL(WTD) MON 118(118) WK AGO 112(112) YR AGO 119() FRI: SH 97 / CB 6 SAT: SH 21 / CB 1 WEEKLY CANADIAN CATTLE IMPORTS. WK ENDING FEEDERS SLAUGHTER S&H Week Ending: 06/29/24 2,322 10,069 Week Ending: 06/22/24 3,068 9,025 Change from prev week: +136 +1,657