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Top 5 Things to Watch

25 Aug 2024

OMAHA (DTN) -- Here are the Top 5 things the DTN Newsroom is tracking for the week of Aug. 24. Watch for coverage of these and other topics through the week on our subscription platforms as well as on

Note that all report release times are Central Daylight Time (CDT) unless otherwise noted.

1. Farm shows begin: We'll have latest machinery, inputs and political news from summer farm shows as they begin in earnest this week. If you're attending the Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa, be sure and see us at the DTN building. We'll have daily weather and markets outlooks, plus updates on the latest DTN products and projects.

2. Railway shutdown in Canada: We'll continue coverage of the rail work stoppage in Canada as the Canadian government intervenes in the railway shutdown involving the country's two largest railways and the lack of reaching a new agreement with their unionized workers. By Sunday morning, it appeared workers would begin to return to work on the weekend after the companies and union were ordered to binding arbitration. For the latest, check out our top stories section on

3. Crop weather for the week: Recent coolness will give way to a short warming trend as heat from Texas starts to creep north and east. Temperatures around the Midwest will move back into the 90s Fahrenheit early in the week. That could stress grain fill in corn and soybeans in the Central Plains. Only isolated showers are forecast into next week, which could be a stressful combination for those that are hot and dry. The next system could bring a cold front and showers Wednesday through Friday. Much of the Delta has been dry for weeks, with hot weather creating stressful conditions for many of the region's filling soybeans and cotton crops. Here, too, recent mild weather will give way to warmer, drier conditions during the week. A front coming through late next week and weekend is the next best chance for rainfall.

4. Showers in Canada: Disturbances moving through the Canadian Prairies continue to bring scattered showers through the middle of next week, when a stronger system could bring more widespread precipitation as well as a burst of cooler air. Some areas received heavy rains and severe storms during the weekend. Maturing wheat and canola could use some dry conditions for harvest. See more on the forecast and impact in this weather blog:….

5. Economic reports line-Up: Monday, we start with Durable Goods Orders at 7:30 a.m., followed by the 10 a.m. release of Grain Inspections numbers and at 3 p.m., the latest USDA NASS weekly Crop Progress report including DTN analysis. Tuesday at 8 a.m. we'll see the release of the S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Index. At 9 a.m. is Consumer Confidence indexes. Afternoon reports start at 2 p.m. with Livestock and Meat Domestic Data report, and the Outlook for U.S. Ag Trade for August. Wednesday the EIA Weekly Petroleum Status report, including ethanol will be released at 9:30 a.m. At 2 p.m. Broiler Hatchery and U.S. and Canadian Hogs report numbers are released. Thursday's reports begin at 7:30 a.m. with Grain Export sales, Initial Jobless Claims, U.S. Trade Balance, Retail Inventories and the Q2 GDP Revised numbers. At 9 a.m. we'll watch for Pending Home Sales and at 10:30 a.m. the Weekly Economic Index is released. Friday reports start at 7:30 a.m. with the Personal Income and Spending reports and PCE Index. At 9 a.m. is Consumer Sentiment, and at 2:30 p.m. we'll have the weekly CFTC Commitment of Traders report.

Bonus DTN content: DTN's Digital Yield Tour was back again this year, and after years of building industry-leading tools, it was powered exclusively by DTN proprietary models and data. Missed coverage of the DTN Digital Yield Tour or want more perspective of the estimated yield estimates for several states? DTN Farm Business Editor Katie Dehlinger talked to Field Posts Podcast Host Sarah Mock about the regions where DTN's data diverges from the latest USDA reports, shares the stories she's heard from growers along the way, and discusses what could be ahead in the coming weeks as harvest approaches.

You can hear the most recent Field Posts podcast at…. Check out our other podcasts also at that site.

You can also see a video that Dehlinger did with Reporter's Notebook Host Elaine Shein at… about the tour. Also at that site, check out the Reporter's Notebook video of retirement reflections shared by DTN Lead Analyst Todd Hultman, including some tips for farmers about the markets.

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