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Todd's Take

6 Dec 2016
By Todd HultmanDTN Analyst Buy low, sell high has a logic that is easy to accept, but the catch has always been coming up with a definition of what's low and what's high that can also stand the test of time. A little like defining jazz, we might have a sense of what we think low and high are now. But can we come up with a method that holds up for ...

Eyes on Economic Trends

6 Dec 2016
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor CHICAGO (DTN) --- As the U.S. sees its own economy improving and transitions to a new presidency, farmers will want to keep watching the economic situation in China and the impact that a slow down in China's growth could have on demand for feedstuffs. Tom Scott, CEO of Informa Economics, spoke Monday at the DTN...

A Portrait of Tom Vilsack's Tenure

5 Dec 2016
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor WASHINGTON (DTN) -- Tom Vilsack keeps a set of index cards with him that detail changes made to the U.S. Department of Agriculture under the Obama administration. "These cards represent, I think, significant progress that has been made in every single mission area, and some that didn't exist before we got here...

By the Numbers

5 Dec 2016
By Danny KlinefelterDTN Farm Business Adviser Uncle Sam isn't much different than any other borrower overloaded with debt and limited income for repayment. Constructive debt can be taken on that matches the repayment requirements to the income and cash generation timing of the entity (business or government). However, taking on additional debt to ...

Global Fertilizer Outlook - 2

5 Dec 2016
By Russ QuinnDTN Staff Reporter FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (DTN) -- It is a bit of a mixed bag for the phosphorus fertilizer outlook. The market will remain under pressure through 2017 with plenty of supply and some new capacity coming online, but lower raw material prices have brought down production costs for producers significantly. While prices slip...
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