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The Market's Fine Print

11 Jan 2017
By John HarringtonDTN Livestock Analyst Many Januarys ago, while I was still struggling with the illusion that a rising tide would lift all cattle boats, an old-timer tried to set me straight about the chronically uneven distribution of revenue within the beef industry. "Son," he painfully wheezed through multiple layers of market scar tissue, "don...

Farm Family Business

10 Jan 2017
By Lance WoodburyDTN Farm Business Adviser As we start a new year, many of us establish both personal and business goals. Many of these objectives have measureable outcomes, such as losing weight, learning a new skill, achieving a certain level of revenue or profitability, or improving a farm or ranch property. Succession goals, however, are more...

Cuban Trade Conundrum

10 Jan 2017
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter PHOENIX (DTN) -- Though a future agriculture commodity market in Cuba holds promise, it will depend on whether the industry can convince the new administration and Congress about the benefits to U.S. farmers and ranchers of normalizing trade with the communist island. There are a number of additional barriers that w...

Todd's Take

10 Jan 2017
By Todd HultmanDTN Analyst Just last week, the DTN National Cash Index of HRW wheat prices jumped up 18 cents to reach its highest close in six months. For those keeping a close watch on supply and demand estimates, it is difficult to believe that much can come out of last week's unexpected rally as the USDA estimate of world ending wheat stocks is...

Todd's Take

10 Jan 2017
By Todd HultmanDTN Analyst Just last week, the DTN National Cash Index of HRW wheat prices jumped up 18 cents to reach its highest close in six months. For those keeping a close watch on supply and demand estimates, it is difficult to believe that much can come out of last week's unexpected rally as the USDA estimate of world ending wheat stocks is...
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