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Headline News

Kub's Den

5 Jan 2017
By Elaine KubDTN Contributing Analyst We are finally moving past the season of headlines about headlines. That week between Christmas and New Year's Eve always tends to bring news pieces that summarize the top stories of the preceding year. I always enjoy those summaries -- it's a great way to jolt your memory about what forgotten societal obsessio...

DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends

5 Jan 2017
By Russ QuinnDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- The collapse in fertilizer prices since 2014 should put an extra jingle in farm budgets next season. According to retail fertilizer prices tracked by DTN for the fourth week of December, all prices closed 2016 with double-digit reductions year-over-year. This marks the second year in a row of retail pr...

Wrapped or Unwrapped?

4 Jan 2017
By Russ QuinnDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Anyone who chews gum or eats individually wrapped candy has likely swallowed a piece of wrapper at one time or another. Though unpleasant, it's unlikely the small piece of wrapper caused any serious health problems. But can the same be said for cattle that swallow pieces of hay bale wrapper? That's a ...

Ag Confidence Index Results

4 Jan 2017
By Greg D. HorstmeierDTN Editor-in-Chief OMAHA (DTN) -- Farmers have put a tremendous amount of hope into the new presidential administration, one that built its candidacy on throwing out the political party which had "Hope" as a central theme. That's really the only way to interpret the results of the latest DTN/The Progressive Farmer Agricultura...

Todd's Take

4 Jan 2017
By Todd HultmanDTN Analyst Along with a new year comes the anticipation of what lies ahead, and for December corn prices, the early outlook is bearish. Coming off a record 15.23 billion bushel harvest, USDA is estimating 2.4 billion bushels of ending U.S. corn stocks for 2016-17 or 16% of annual use. In addition to surplus corn in the U.S., compe...
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