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Headline News

Stabilizing the Cattle Market

31 May 2016
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- Livestock futures can be as volatile as spring weather in the Southern Plains and contracts were soaring higher Tuesday after producers spent part of last week complaining about downward price swings. Live cattle contracts opened higher Tuesday in part because consumer spending was up 1% in April...

Better to Keep Than Give

27 May 2016
By Marcia Zarley TaylorDTN Executive Editor DENVER (DTN) -- Just as it pays to monitor your blood pressure or cholesterol levels, it's worth checking the health of your estate plan. Besides changes in your wealth or the status of your personal situation -- marriages, divorces, births and deaths of heirs -- new state and federal tax laws can trigger...

USDA Extends FSA Farm Changes

27 May 2016
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- Does USDA know if you are actively engaged yet? The department announced Friday a 30-day extension for farmers to record their organizational structures with the Farm Service Agency to determine active engagement in farming. The deadline has been extended to July 1 to complete restructuring or f...

DTN Distillers Grain Update

27 May 2016
By Cheryl AndersonDTN Staff Reporter Advancements in developing new fractionated and higher value products from distillers grains into higher value products, and new ethanol processing aids such as antimicrobials, were the focus of a number of speakers at the recent Distillers Grains Technology Council's annual Distillers Grains Symposium Thursday ...

Soybean Rust Advances

26 May 2016
By Pam SmithDTN Progressive Farmer Crops Technology Editor DECATUR, Ill. (DTN) -- The spotlight is on soybean rust this season as the disease has been detected early in southern states. Further outbreaks are weather dependent, but plant pathologists see potential for the disease to grab a broader foothold. So far soybean rust (SBR) has been active...
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