Headline News
20 May 2016
By Emily Unglesbee DTN Staff Reporter ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- Finally, a good excuse to spend time on Twitter! University Extension scientists are hoping to harness the power of farmers on Twitter to track the spread of corn and soybean diseases this summer. Led by Iowa State University plant pathologist Daren Mueller, the tweet campaign is the ...
20 May 2016
By Todd NeeleyDTN Staff Reporter OMAHA (DTN) -- Onion farmer Chris Pawelski's farm near Warwick, New York, is in a regulation no-man's land of sorts. It's a place where any farmer could end up if regulatory boundaries are muddled or existing state law not enforced. Pawelski can hardly find a government agency to protect his drainage ditch. He once ...
19 May 2016
By Daniel DavidsonDTN Contributing Agronomist Micronutrients are getting more attention thanks to farmers doing more routine soil testing and plant analyses. Those tests show more micronutrient deficiencies even though farmers might not see foliar symptoms in the growing crop. Applying micronutrients also is making more economic sense because toda...
19 May 2016
By Daniel DavidsonDTN Contributing Agronomist Micronutrients are getting more attention thanks to farmers doing more routine soil testing and plant analyses. Those tests show more micronutrient deficiencies even though farmers might not see foliar symptoms in the growing crop. Applying micronutrients also is making more economic sense because toda...
19 May 2016
By Elton Robinson Progressive Farmer Special Correspondent Excitement for cotton has been palpable this spring in the Buffalo Island region of northeast Arkansas. Bags of cottonseed filled retail warehouses and local gins geared up for a big season early based on falling prices in competing commodities and generous gin rebate and equity programs f...