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A Lender's View of the Ag Economy

8 Dec 2015
By Katie MicikDTN Markets Editor CHICAGO (DTN) -- CoBank President Mary McBride thinks the ag economy is facing some stout headwinds: a lower price environment, a strong U.S. dollar, deceleration of the Chinese economy and increased global competition in the coarse grain trade. U.S. net cash income is expected to decline by 40% in 2015, a dramatic ...

Brazil Soy Planting Nears Close

7 Dec 2015
By Alastair StewartDTN South America Correspondent SAO PAULO, Brazil (DTN) -- Brazilian soybean planting moved toward completion last week amid continued concerns about dry weather in Mato Grosso and in eastern Cerrado states like Bahia and Maranhao, according to AgRural, a local farm consultancy. Brazilian soybean planting progressed 7 percentage ...

WTO Details COOL Penalties

7 Dec 2015
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor CHICAGO (DTN) -- The World Trade Organization on Monday may have put a nail in the coffin of country-of-origin labels for meat products in the U.S. A WTO arbitration panel based in Geneva, Switzerland, came back Monday with a ruling that Canada could impose about $781 million (CAN $1.05 billion) in retaliatory t...

DTN Fertilizer Outlook

7 Dec 2015
By Ken JohnsonDTN Fertilizer Columnist AMMONIA International ammonia prices drifted lower through November. Yuzhnyy, FSU, ammonia traded in the $390 to $405 per metric ton fob (free on board -- the buyer pays for transportation of the goods) range early and fell to $340 to $350 late. (All prices in this column are wholesale.) Falling DAP prices hav...

Ag Factors Into Spending Talks

4 Dec 2015
By Chris ClaytonDTN Ag Policy Editor OMAHA (DTN) -- Farm groups have a lot to battle over in the federal appropriations bill as negotiations over spending on policy riders continue in Congress. The bill would fund federal agencies for fiscal year 2016, but it is always the policy provisions, or riders, that stall talks until the final weeks of th...
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