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Corn Stocks: East vs. West

1 Oct 2015
By Alan BruglerDTN Contributing Analyst The USDA Grain Stocks report Wednesday showed Sept. 1 corn stocks of 1.731 billion bushels, up from 1.236 billion bushels last year and 821 million bushels in September 2013. The stocks figure was below the average trade estimate for the third time in the past nine years but still showed a big year-over-year ...

USDA Finds Probable PED Virus Source

1 Oct 2015
By Katie MicikDTN Markets Editor CHICAGO (DTN) -- USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspections Service has narrowed down the possible way three swine enteric coronavirus disease (SECD) viruses, including porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDv), entered the country. The agency's top suspect is contaminated flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC),...

USDA Reports Summary

30 Sep 2015
By Katie MicikDTN Markets Editor WASHINGTON (DTN) -- USDA's quarterly Grain Stocks report pegged year-end supplies of corn at 1.73 billion bushels and soybeans 191 million bushels, within the range of pre-report expectations. It also reduced old-crop soybean production by 41.7 mb to 3.93 bb. Wheat production came in below the range of pre-report ...

Food Security Challenges - 4

30 Sep 2015
By Del DeterlingProgressive Farmer Contributing Editor Editor's Note: As soon as a seed is planted, it's a battle for survival against Mother Nature. Little wonder that farmers are constantly embracing new production systems, technologies and tools to improve a crop's resiliency and to mitigate the risks of changing climate. Those efforts will beco...

Dr. Dan Talks Agronomy

30 Sep 2015
By Dan DavidsonDTN Contributing Agronomist Cover crops provide multiple benefits to the soil and next year's crop. The trick is to get them seeded in a timely manner. I have been seeding fall covers for a decade -- mostly cereal rye and mostly too late. I haven't had good experiences with aerial seeding into standing corn and soybeans in northeast...
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