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New Trade and Food Aid Funds From USDA

24 Oct 2023
By Chris Clayton, DTN Ag Policy Editor, and Jerry Hagstrom, DTN Political Correspondent DES MOINES (DTN) – Groups tied to exporting and promoting U.S. agricultural goods lauded USDA tapping into the Commodity Credit Corp. to fund $2.3 billion in trade promotion and foreign food aid. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced USDA will use $1.3 ...

USDA Weekly Crop Progress Report

23 Oct 2023
This article was originally published at 3:03 p.m. CDT on Monday, Oct. 23. It was last updated with additional information at 3:43 p.m. CDT on Monday, Oct. 23. ** OMAHA (DTN) -- Mostly favorable weather conditions across much of the country last week allowed the corn and soybean harvests to maintain their lead over the five-year averages, USDA NASS...

View From the Cab

22 Oct 2023
DECATUR, Ill. (DTN) -- Farmers have a lingo all their own. This week, North Dakota farmers Chandra and Mike Langseth hope to finish cutting soybeans, so they can start combining corn. In Missouri, Zachary (Zach) Grossman also hopes to finish up his bean harvest so he can go back to shelling corn. Or will he pick it? The regional colloquialisms make...

Top 5 Things to Watch

22 Oct 2023
By DTN Staff OMAHA (DTN) -- Here are the Top 5 things the DTN Newsroom is tracking for the week of Oct. 22. Watch for coverage of these and other topics through the week on our subscription platforms as well as on 1. Ongoing Speaker saga: With Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, losing his spot as the GOP nominee to become the next speaker of the Ho...

Navigator Cancels Carbon Pipeline Plans

20 Oct 2023
OMAHA (DTN) -- Less than two weeks after putting a hold on its permit applications, Navigator CO2 Ventures announced Friday the company is canceling its $3.5 billion carbon pipeline project. In a statement, Navigator CO2 pointed to the "unpredictable nature of the regulator and government processes involved, particularly in South Dakota and Iowa." ...
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