Headline News
28 Oct 2020
ROCKVILLE, Md. (DTN) -- EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced the agency's long-awaited decision approving three dicamba herbicides for use over-the-top of dicamba-tolerant Xtend crops in 2021 and beyond. On a Tuesday evening press call, Wheeler stated that EPA has granted five-year registrations to two canceled dicamba herbicides -- XtendiMa...
28 Oct 2020
In business, the concept of margin implies some remaining amount of revenue or profit after accounting for expenses and is reflected in terms like "gross margin" or "profit margin." But the word "margin" is also used in another way, according to a book titled "Margin," by Dr. Richard Swenson. He defines it as "the space between our load and our lim...
27 Oct 2020
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, Colo. (DTN) -- Just as the Wright Flyer didn't look much like the first successful commercial airliners and bears little resemblance to modern aircraft, the future of aerial autonomous drone spraying could look a lot different than what cutting-edge companies first release to prove a concept. Pyka, a California-based tech startup...
27 Oct 2020
It's been a crazy year for cash corn and even cash soybeans, a buyer told me. It's crazy that prices during harvest remained strong with little harvest pressure on corn or soybean cash prices. On Aug. 3, the DTN National Soybean Index was $8.45, and the DTN National Corn Index was $2.95. Fast forward to Friday, Oct. 23, and those prices were $10.31...
27 Oct 2020
On the eve of national elections, a majority of rural adults approved of President Donald Trump's job performance. Farmers have been willing to give him space on trade. But there are issues floating around out there that either Trump or his successor ignore at their peril. A DTN/Progressive Farmer Zogby Analytics Election poll found that 53% of adu...